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15 New Year Email Examples for Your Next Email Campaign


The New Year is just around the corner. And that makes it a great time to start sending out New Year emails to your customers to engage and convert them. 

So, if you’re looking for New Year email examples for inspiration, you’ve come to the right place. 

Whether you want to promote a new product or service or just share a celebratory message, New Year emails could help build a strong relationship with your customers. The New Year is an event that offers several sales opportunities that, when used right, can help you maximize your revenue.

Now, if you want to make the most of your New Year emails, it is important to prepare them in advance. Having a great design is crucial to capture the attention of and engage your audience. Using catchy holiday email subject lines also creates a strong first impression, encouraging more people to read your New Year emails.

To inspire your campaign, we’ve compiled a list of New Year email examples that will help you send catchy emails this year.

Tips for New Year emails

Checking the best New Year email examples is crucial to understand how to pace your campaign and make your emails click-worthy. But there are many other ways to make your New Year email campaign a raging success.

Here are some tips you may use for your New Year email campaign.

1. Set up automated email flows

Email automation can play a significant role in turning leads into paying customers. And effective lead generation is crucial for business success. 

Consider using email automation to create an email drip campaign delivering a series of emails to your subscribers’ inboxes as the New Year approaches. Such a campaign will keep you fresh in the minds of people who are interested in your brand, but are not ready to make a purchase yet.

Not just the New Year, email automation can be beneficial throughout the year.

2. Create segments based on customer behavior

The most effective marketing strategies leverage customer segmentation efficiently. For a successful New Year email campaign, consider dividing your customer base into smaller groups based on customer behavior.

You may want to especially target those customers who buy on special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays. 

Behavioral segmentation gives you a more comprehensive understanding of your audience, allowing you to tailor products or services to specific customer needs. Additionally, it enables you to customize your emails for them, which can lead to a better impact.

For instance, if you are sending promotional emails, you may consider sending special discounts to the group that shops only during the holiday season. You may also consider extending special offers for your VIP customers, and so on.

In Omnisend, for example, you can use one of the default “Shopping behavior” segment pre-sets:

segmentation according to shopping behavior

3. Personalize your New Year emails

Make the most of customer segmentation by sending personalized New Year emails. Remember, personalization does not end at using a customer’s name. Send them offers, discounts, and more that resonate with their unique needs.

Personalized emails help build trust because your customers appreciate how you anticipate their needs. Additionally, the relevancy of the email can improve the chances of them taking the action you want them to.

Here are some elements of personalization used by marketers in 2022.

elements of personalization

4. Use a simple layout

The layout of an email dictates its overall appearance. It determines how your email will appear to your readers, and the feelings it’ll invoke. Consider going with a simple layout, ensuring that the content is readable and the CTA is clear.

Use a catchy headline and images to grab attention. However, refrain from using too many images as that may hamper the readability of your New Year email. It could also land your email in the Promotions inbox.

Here is an example of a New Year email with a simple layout.

Example of new year email with simple layout

5. Use a strong subject line

Let’s face it—consumers are inundated with emails these days. And not all of these emails get read.

A strong subject line can help catch the attention of your customers, preventing your New Year emails from getting deleted. Pick a subject line that your readers would be interested in, but also ensure that you deliver on the promise you make in it.

Here are some great examples of New Year email subject lines.

strong subject line for new year email

Following the tips above can help you create compelling New Year emails that can boost sales.

New Year email examples for New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is celebrated by people all over the world. 

So, what should you include in your emails for New Year’s Eve? 

To start with, you must have a New Year greeting. Use a positive, friendly, and encouraging tone. Give your customers a reason to celebrate saying goodbye to the year that’s gone by, and ring in the New Year.

You may offer special thanks to your customers for supporting your business in the past year. If you have discounts or offers for the New Year, this is a great time to inform your customers about the same.

Personalize your New Year emails and use a CTA that your customers can’t refuse.

Here are some New Year email examples to take cues from:

1. Holden

new year email example holden

The above email keeps it simple. The headline is also a straightforward ”Happy New Year.” But, what works in its favor is that the message focuses on the reader. 

This email has a short and crisp copy, great visuals, and is filled with joy and positive spirit.

2. This is Pam

this is pam new year email example

The above email by This is Pam is another good example of a New Year greeting. Although it has a simple layout, the copy gets quite creative in wishing the customers a Happy New Year. 

The tone is positive, happy, and fun. This is a great example of just greeting your customers a Happy New Year even if you do not have some promotional offer going on. If you have an email marketing campaign on your mind for this New Year, this could be one of the various emails you send during the duration of the campaign.

3. Tock

tock new year email example

New Year’s Eve is a time of celebration across the world. As a business owner, you may have lined up some great offers for this day.

Why not send an email like the one above? 

The best thing about this New Year email example is that it is not at all cluttered. The copy is minimal, there is a great background image, and the CTA is as clear as it can be.

If you want to keep things simple this New Year’s Eve, you should consider using this example to launch your campaign.

New Year email examples with special offers

New Year  signifies the transition from one year to the next, and also a period of new beginnings for your business. This makes it the perfect time to unveil your new products and get rid of old stock.

Special offers during New Year can attract deal-seekers, boosting sales. It is also a great opportunity to promote your new products.

Take advantage of the time between Christmas and New Year. Your customers are already in the holiday mood, and in most cases it may mean that they have time on their hands. You should craft a clever New Year email campaign that inspires them to take action.

And there could be no better way to get your customers to take action than special discounts.

Here are some fantastic New Year email examples to promote special offers.

4. Retro Design

reto design new year email example

First, the headline of this email is quite clever—New Year New Deals. We can’t emphasize enough the importance of a strong heading. Your customers get lots of emails, especially from businesses offering discounts and other offers. 

You also need a subject line that steals their attention while they scroll through their inbox. And the email? Use colors, images, and a clever header to make the design pop.

5. Peloton

peloton new year email example

Peloton’s New Year email is the perfect example of a clever New Year’s special offer. Note how it creates urgency by using the line “Limited time only.”

Just like Peloton, use a compelling copy in your New Year emails. Ensure the copy is such that the offer is clear and so is the CTA. Creating urgency to boost sales is another great takeaway from this excellent New Year email example.

6. Ritual

ritual new year email example

Ritual’s New Year email is one of the best New Year email examples. The clever use of copy makes this email shine. 

The heading is catchy but unique. The discount offer and CTA are also prominent and clear.

Of course, we have to mention the fantastic image with the products on full display. There’s a lot you can do with one photo and a great headline, and this is the perfect example of it.

New Year email examples with beautiful wishes

Quotes and wishes are a great way of sharing joy and hope with your customers this New Year. A beautiful wish is a simple way of letting your customers know that you are thinking of them.

Here are a few New Year email examples of how brands sent wishes to their customers.

7. Zenscale

zenscale new year email example

Sometimes the best New Year emails are the simplest ones. You do not need stellar offers or discounts to make your customers take notice. Sometimes a heartfelt New Year wish is more than enough.

If you have a lot of inactive users, a simple email like the one above can help rekindle your relationship with your customers. Make sure you use vibrant colors and an attractive design to capture attention.

8. Net-A-Porter

net a porter new year email example

What if you could wish your customers a Happy New Year while promoting self-love? After all, you can’t share love with others unless you love yourself first.

The above New Year email from Net-A-Porter is a good example of promoting self-love (and your products) in an email.

9. WE

WE new year email example

This New Year email from WE is the perfect way to combine a beautiful wish with gratitude for your customers. 

If you want to take ideas from this New Year email example, pay attention to the copy. Keep it short, heartfelt, and meaningful. Add an engaging image, and you have an amazing New Year email on your hands.

New Year email examples saying “Thank you”

Appreciating your customers makes them feel valued. Actively expressing your gratitude to your customers can help build stronger customer loyalty.

Here are some New Year email examples of brands expressing gratitude.

10. Glitch

glitch new year email example

Use this New Year email example from Glitch to present a review of the year gone by, while thanking your customers.

11. Patchwork

patchwork new year email example

This New Year email from Pipedrive is another good example of how to thank your customers this New Year.

12. Pursoma

pursoma new year email example

Pursoma’s New Year email is another great example of creatively expressing your gratitude to your customers.

Other New Year email examples

When it comes to the best New Year email examples, the sky’s the limit. You can get as creative as you want with your New Year emails.

Here are some more New Year email examples:

13. Vimeo

vimeo new year email example

Why stick to just text and images? Use videos to showcase the best moments of the year gone by, just like Vimeo.

14. Function of Beauty

function of beauty new year email example

Looking for a new and innovative way to craft a New Year email? Function of Beauty is one of the best New Year email examples we have come across. See how it covers a vast audience too.

15. Madewell

madewell new year email example

Making an irresistible offer is a timeless way of wishing your customers a Happy New Year that works even today. It makes them feel special too. 


We hope you can draw inspiration from the New Year email examples given above to design some eye-catching emails for your 2023 New Year email campaign. New Year is one of the most profitable times of the year for business. So, make sure you leverage it well to boost sales.

Source from Omnisend

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