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Amsterdam om sonpanele op monumente toe te laat

Die Amsterdamse munisipale owerhede sê hulle sal die installering van sonpanele en hittepompe makliker maak en sigbare installasies op monumente en erfenisgeboue toelaat.

Max van den Oetelaar

The city of Amsterdam is to permit the installation of solar panels on monuments and buildings in protected cityscapes. The decision is part of the city’s Sustainable Heritage Implementation Agenda, which is designed to bring historic buildings in Amsterdam in line with modern sustainability targets.

The new measures will come into force by 2025. The city also plans to ease solar panel and heat pump installations through permit-free work or an accelerated permit procedure.

The rules will allow solar panels in full view and permit air heat pumps on roofs. Other planned regulations include insulating 123,000 homes by the end of the decade and allowing greenery on the roofs and facades of some monuments.

The city expects an action plan in the fall, including options for installing solar panels without permits or through an accelerated permit procedures.

Last year, Amsterdam surpassed 1 million installed solar panels, boasting 250 MW of rooftop capacity across 120,000 households. The municipal government aims to equip 500,000 homes with PV systems by 2040.

In May, the new government coalition in the Netherlands announced plans to phase out net metering from 2027. A Dutch trade association has since informed parliament about current difficulties affecting the country’s rooftop solar segment.

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