Verpakking in 2023: neigings wat die jaar gevorm het
GlobalData-ontleding van 2023-tendense toon dat verpakkingsondernemings met nuwe tegnologieë en omgewingsvereistes worstel.
Verpakking in 2023: neigings wat die jaar gevorm het Lees meer »
GlobalData-ontleding van 2023-tendense toon dat verpakkingsondernemings met nuwe tegnologieë en omgewingsvereistes worstel.
Verpakking in 2023: neigings wat die jaar gevorm het Lees meer »
Die verpakkingsbedryf in 2023 is gedefinieer deur gewaagde strategiese skuiwe, wat 'n gesamentlike poging onder bedryfsreuse weerspieël om uitdagings te navigeer, geleenthede te benut en hulself te posisioneer vir 'n toekoms wat deur innovasie en volhoubaarheid gevorm word.
Verskuiwings in die verpakkingsbedryf: 'n Opsomming van die grootste transaksies in 2023 Lees meer »
GlobalData analyst Caroline Pinto discusses key topics around artificial intelligence for the packaging industry.
KI in verpakking: V&A met Globaldata Tematiese Ontleder Lees meer »
GlobalData’s thematic intelligence has identified the top themes packaging industry leaders must be well acquainted with in 2024.
Beyond its traditional role of safeguarding products, packaging is now a canvas for creativity and innovation across the industry.
A Sneak Peek Into the Future of Packaging Innovations Lees meer »
From packaging that combats plastic pollution to edible packaging, these solutions protect the planet and improve consumer experiences.
Vyf groen verpakkingsinnovasies vir e-handelbestellings Lees meer »
SSPP is revolutionising packaging, reducing plastic waste, embracing tech, and leaving an impact on businesses, consumers, and the planet.
Volhoubare slim plastiekverpakking herdefinieer industrienorme Lees meer »
While hygiene and shelf life are still paramount, they are joined by concerns about changing the environmental impact of packaging.
Die veranderende gesig van verpakking sedert die pandemie Lees meer »
Industrial packaging plays a vital role in various industry supply chains. The global industrial packaging market is poised for growth in the coming years.
Tendense, uitdagings en geleenthede in moderne industriële verpakking Lees meer »
Despite growing concerns about the environment, US consumers still prioritise price, quality, and convenience when making purchasing decisions.
US Consumers’ Shifting Preferences on Sustainable Packaging Lees meer »
Amidst glass shortages, wine producers are adopting re-use to transform packaging, curbing waste and carbon emissions.
Wynverpakking: Omhels hergebruik te midde van uitdagings Lees meer »
References to individualism and expression within packaging industry filings have not grown like those to e-commerce and digitalisation.
Signal: Brands, Consumers in Step on Digitalisation, Not Personalisation Lees meer »