BMW se groot landgenoot – 'n Ware Mini?
Ontleding van die nuwe U25-reeks Countryman en toekomstige Mini-modelle
Verkryging van insigte en markneigings vir die voertuigonderdele en bykomstighede-industrie.
Ontleding van die nuwe U25-reeks Countryman en toekomstige Mini-modelle
AutoFlight has delivered its first Prosperity aircraft to a customer in Japan, marking the inaugural delivery of a civilian ton-class eVTOL aircraft. The five-seater Prosperity aircraft was handed over to the customer, a pioneering Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) operator in Japan. The operator is currently developing plans for demonstration eVTOL…
AutoFlight lewer eerste elektriese lugtaxi aan klant in Japan Lees meer »
Hyundai Motor Company en Kia Corporation het die nuwe ontwerp van hul DAL-e Delivery-robot onthul. Hierdie robot, gebaseer op die afleweringsrobot wat in Desember 2022 bekendgestel is, sal na verwagting afleweringsprestasie verbeter, veral in komplekse omgewings, soos kantore en winkelsentrums. Op grond van die insigte verkry deur Hyundai Motor ...
Hyundai Motor en Kia onthul DAL-e afleweringsrobot Lees meer »
Leer in hierdie blog oor watter soort toerusting 'n motorherstelwerkwinkel nodig het en die faktore wat betrokke is by die verkryging van hierdie motorverwante produkte.
Die toerusting wat elke motorherstelwinkel benodig Lees meer »
Renault Group’s Sandouville site will build electric LCVs for Flexis SAS, the new joint venture set up by Renault Group, Volvo Group and CMA CGM. (Earlier post.) Reflecting the expertise and skills acquired by Sandouville in the production of LCVs over the past 10 years, the site has been selected…
Renault Groep se Sandouville-aanleg om elektriese motorvoertuie vir Flexis SAS te bou Lees meer »
Polestar en Plugsurfing stel 'n nuwe openbare laaidiens in Europa bekend genaamd Polestar Charge. Met meer as 650,000 XNUMX versoenbare elektriese motor-laaipunte, gee Polestar Charge Polestar-bestuurders toegang tot die grootste laainetwerke in Europa, insluitend die Tesla Supercharger-netwerk, IONITY, Recharge, Total, Fastned en Allego in een ...
New global research commissioned by ABB Robotics and industry specialists Automotive Manufacturing Solutions (AMS) has revealed that the rising cost of energy in Europe and escalating US labor rates are becoming major challenges for the automotive industry. ABB Robotics’ second annual barometer survey of the automotive industry showed that more…
Nissan announced its commitment to the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship until at least 2030, reinforcing its Ambition 2030 electrification plans. Running from Season 13 (2026/27) to Season 16 (2029/30), Formula E’s GEN4 technology will be the most advanced yet. This decision will see Nissan’s involvement in Formula E…
Motorverspreiders bied aromatiese geure en verbeter die motor se omgewing. Lees verder om alles te leer wat jy moet weet oor motorverspreiders.
The total cradle-to-gate carbon footprint of Polestar’s first electric performance SUV, Polestar 3, is lower than that of the smaller Polestar 2 when it was launched in 2020 at 24.7 tCO2e versus 26.1 tCO2e. The majority of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions stem from the extraction and processing of various materials…
Die versorging van jou motor behoort 'n prioriteit in jou lewe te wees. Dit is een van daardie dinge wat net gedoen moet word, of jy nou daarvan hou of nie. Ja, daar is tye waar dit 'n absolute nagmerrie kan wees om dit te laat gebeur, maar jy moet 'n manier vind. Jou kar verdien...
Om jou motor te versorg, behoort 'n prioriteit in jou lewe te wees Lees meer »
The first batch of Daimler Truck’s all-electric RIZON trucks—Class 4-5 battery-electric trucks focused on urban delivery (earlier post)—are now on the streets of America following deliveries to customers in California. More units are scheduled to be handed over throughout March of 2024. The initial deployment of RIZON trucks includes a…
Aflewering van RIZON elektriese vragmotors begin Lees meer »
Verken die dinamiese mark van stuurwielbedekkings, fokus op onlangse neigings, ontwerpinnovasies en die topverkopers wat die bedryf vorm.
Stuurwielbedekkings: neigings, innovasies en markdinamika Lees meer »
Volkswagen of America, Inc., announced the offer structure for the 2025 ID.7, the first all-electric Volkswagen in the near-luxury sedan segment. The ID.7 will be offered stateside in two trims—Pro S and Pro S Plus—with an 82 kWh battery and 282 horsepower and 402 pound-feet of torque on rear-wheel drive…
Volkswagen van Amerika kondig aanbodstruktuur aan vir 2025 ID.7 Lees meer »