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Chinese PV-industrie-opdrag: Sonkragmodule-uitvoere het 54.9 GW in Q3 getref

China se uitvoere van sonkragmodules het in September tot 16.53 GW gedaal, 12% laer as Augustus en 16% jaar op jaar, volgens PV InfoLink. Derde kwartaal se uitvoere het 54.9 GW bereik, 'n daling van 15% vanaf die tweede kwartaal, maar 'n toename van 6% vanaf die derde kwartaal van 2023.

China's solar module
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PV InfoLink said China’s solar module exports totaled 16.53 GW in September, a 12% drop from August and a 16% decline from the previous year. For the third quarter of 2024, exports reached 54.9 GW, down 15% from the second quarter but up 6% from the third quarter of 2023. Cumulative exports for the first nine months of 2024 reached 186.77 GW, an 18% increase over the same period in 2023.

Astronomie has secured a number of solar module procurement contracts from State Power Investment Corp. (SPIC) and China Huadian Corp., totaling nearly 3 GW. SPIC’s first solar cell and module procurement for 2024 awarded 1.57 GW of total capacity to Astronergy, comprising n-type tunnel oxide passivated contact (TOPCon) 182 and TOPCon 210 bifacial modules. Astronergy also secured a 1.4 GW order for n-type TOPCon modules in Huadian’s second procurement batch for 2024.

China’s 14th National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee have approved the “Energy Law of the People’s Republic of China” at its 12th session. The law, effective Jan. 1, 2025, spans nine chapters, addressing energy planning, market systems, technological innovation, and legal responsibilities. It aims to guide China’s energy policies, supporting its green transition and carbon neutrality goals.

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