What is This » Produkte verkryging » Chemikalieë & Plastiek » ECHA loods openbare konsultasie oor chroomtrioksiedtoepassings

ECHA loods openbare konsultasie oor chroomtrioksiedtoepassings

Die Europese Chemiese Agentskap (ECHA) het 'n konsultasie van stapel gestuur oor 'n aansoek wat deur sy Komitee vir Sosio-ekonomiese Analise (CTACSub 2) ingedien is vir die magtiging van Chroomtrioksied (EC 215-607-8, CAS 1333-82-0). Hierdie toepassing dek twaalf spesifieke gebruike oor drie kategorieë: mengselformulering, funksionele verchrooming op komponente, en oppervlakbehandelings in lugvaart- en ander nywerhede.


Details of these applications are outlined in the table below.

IDNaam CAS nommer.Deadline for consultationGebruik naam
0364-01Chroomtrioksied1333-82-010/07/2024Formulation of mixtures (containing chromium trioxide)
0364-02Chroomtrioksied1333-82-010/07/2024Chromium trioxide based functional chrome plating of components which through their function in the respective application contribute to the overall safety of the (public) transportation industry (aerospace/aeronautic, automotive, marine and rail) and are bound to sector-specific approval procedures
0364-03Chroomtrioksied1333-82-010/07/2024Chromium trioxide based functional chrome plating of components which in their application must be completely inert (no transfer of coating or substrate material to contact material) due to contact with products such as chemicals, medicine, food, etc. and are therefore strictly regulated and bound to sector-specific approval procedures.
0364-04Chroomtrioksied1333-82-010/07/2024Chromium trioxide based functional chrome plating of axially/rotationally symmetrical components with simple surface geometry which in their application must withstand harsh environmental conditions (mechanical and/or thermal loads and/or aggressive chemical environment) and are bound to sector-specific approval procedures (which are NOT falling under USE 2 and USE 3)
0364-05Chroomtrioksied1333-82-010/07/2024Chromium trioxide based functional chrome plating of complex shaped components (incl. 3 dimensional/complex shaped components having no axis of symmetry and components with one axis of symmetry but complex surface geometry) with various dimensions (length x width x height; weight) which require the application of (individually manufactured) auxiliary anodes/cathodes to achieve homogenous chrome coating on surface to be plated (which are NOT falling under USE 2 and USE 3).
0364-06Chroomtrioksied1333-82-010/07/2024Chromium trioxide based functional chrome plating of components with various dimensions and simple geometries the surfaces of which can be coated with a homogenous chrome coating applying a basic combination of main anode and cathode (no auxiliary anode required) (and which are NOT falling under USE 2, USE 3, USE 4 and USE 5)
0364-07Chroomtrioksied1333-82-010/07/2024Chromium trioxide-based pre-treatment covering functional cleaning, pickling/etching, deoxidising, desmutting and stripping (inorganic/organic coatings) of components applied in the aeronautics and aerospace industries
0364-08Chroomtrioksied1333-82-010/07/2024Chromium trioxide-based main treatment covering chemical conversion coating (CCC) (also referred to as chromating, chromate conversion and alodining) and passivation (of stainless steel) of components applied in the aeronautics and aerospace industries
0364-09Chroomtrioksied1333-82-010/07/2024Chromium trioxide-based main treatment covering chromic acid anodizing (CAA) of components applied in the aeronautics and aerospace industries
0364-10Chroomtrioksied1333-82-010/07/2024Chromium trioxide-based main treatment covering slurry coating (sacrificial coatings and slurry (diffusion) coatings) (also referred to as paint or primer coatings) of components applied in the aeronautics and aerospace industries
0364-11Chroomtrioksied1333-82-010/07/2024Chromium trioxide-based post treatment covering sealing after anodizing, passivation of (non-Al) metallic coatings on steel (such as cadmium coatings, zinc coatings, zinc-nickel coatings, etc.) and rinsing after phosphating of components applied in the aeronautics and aerospace industries
0364-12Chroomtrioksied1333-82-010/07/2024Chromium trioxide-based surface treatment (except passivation of tin-plated steel (electrolytic tin plating – ETP)) for applications in building, automotive, metal manufacturing and finishing, and general engineering industry sectors, unrelated to functional chrome plating

Volgende stap

ECHA invites public input on the use of Chromium trioxide. Please submit your comments via online form by October 7, 2024. The CTACSub 2 committee, integral to ECHA, evaluates authorization requests for this critical substance.

After the public consultation, ECHA will evaluate all feedback and scientific findings to decide on the authorization for Chromium trioxide use. If granted, strict conditions will minimize environmental and health risks. If denied, companies must seek alternatives to continue operations.

As jy enige hulp nodig het of enige vrae het, kontak ons ​​asseblief via service@cirs-group.com.

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