Op 13 Mei 2024 het die Europese Kommissie, gelei deur EU Regulasie No. 528/2012 en Richtlijn No. 98/8/EC, die vervaldatum van die aktiewe stof cis-tricos-9-ene (CAS No.: 27519-02-4) verleng vir gebruik in biosiedprodukte van produk-tipe 19 tot inwerkingtreding Maart-31. 2027 dae na publikasie in die Amptelike Tydskrif van die Europese Unie.

Background and Subsequent Developments
On April 6, 2023, a proposal was submitted to extend the expiry date for cis-tricos-9-ene. The Austrian regulatory agency agreed to a thorough evaluation on August 9, 2023, and informed the European Commission. This evaluation is expected to conclude within 365 days, with possible suspensions totaling no more than 180 days if additional data is needed.
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) will issue its renewal opinion within 270 days of receiving assessment recommendations. Given the potential for delays beyond the applicant’s control, the European Commission has extended the expiry date of cis-9-tricosene until March 31, 2027, to ensure a smooth review process and sustained market availability.
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