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France Deploys 1.05 GW of PV in Q2

The French government says the nation installed 1.05 GW of new solar in the second quarter, bringing the country’s cumulative installed PV capacity to 22.2 GW by the end of June.

Franse vlag

Image: Etienne Girardet, Unsplash

Van pv tydskrif Frankryk

France’s Ministry of Ecological Transition reports that 1,056 MW of new PV systems were connected to the grid from April to June 2024. In comparison, the country added 1,054 MW in the first quarter of this year and 812 MW in in the second quarter of 2023.

As of June 2024, France’s total installed PV capacity stood at 22.2 GW. About 2.14 GW were deployed on the mainland, with the remainder installed in Corsica and the nation’s overseas territories.

The total capacity of solar projects with grid-connection requests has reached 30.9 GW, with about 7.1 GW already under preliminary connection agreements.

Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, and Grand Est account for 48% of new connected capacity this year. These regions also have the highest installed capacity, representing more than 53% of all cumulative power connected in France by the end of March.

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