China – Noord-Amerika
- Koersveranderinge: The freight rates for Transpacific Eastbound (TPEB) routes are trending downward due to low demand.
- Markveranderinge: US-bound TPEB rates decreased, with most routes seeing minor rate drops in the past week. The Canadian market and its rate conditions are similar to those of the US. As a result of this low demand, port and railway congestions on Canada’s west coast are reduced.
- Aanbeveling: Book freight shipping at least two weeks prior to the cargo ready date (CRD), and have backup plans prepared for potential blank sailings.
China – Europa
- Koersveranderinge: Rates either dropped or remained at the same level for the first half of March.
- Markveranderinge: The blank sailings after the Chinese New Year (CNY) mean that the supply and demand of transport capacity are re-balanced. Bookings have gradually increased, but are not performing as strongly as they did before CNY. Rates are still under downward pressure.
- Aanbeveling: Stel 'n buffertyd in wanneer u besendings beplan.
Lugvrag / ekspress markopdatering
- Koersveranderinge:
Decreased base shipping rate: Freight via JL Europe (Economy), UPS Saver (Premium), HK UPS Saver (Premium), UPS Expedited (Standard), HK UPS Expedited (Standard), Special Product Express (Standard)
Increased base shipping rate: Freight via JL US (Economy), Plant Extract Express (Standard), Beauty Express (Standard)
China–Southeast Asia
- Markveranderinge: Demand in exports to Southeast Asian countries remains low, with little sign of increase for the month of March.
Vrywaring: Alle inligting en sienings in hierdie pos word slegs vir verwysingsdoeleindes verskaf en vorm geen beleggings- of aankoopadvies nie. Die inligting wat in hierdie verslag aangehaal word, is uit openbare markdokumente en kan onderhewig wees aan verandering. Chovm.com maak geen waarborge of waarborge vir die akkuraatheid of integriteit van die inligting hierbo nie.