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Italië se streeksregerings keur 5.1 GW se PV-projekte op nutsskaal in Januarie-Septemberperiode goed

Italy’s regional governments approved 5.1 GW of solar in the first nine months of this year, with Sicily leading by approving around one-third of the total new capacity.

Autorizzazioni FV per Regione 01 gen30 set

Beeld: pv tydskrif

The regional governments of Italy approved 5.1 GW of utility-scale solar projects in the first nine months of this year, according to data collected by pv tydskrif Italië.

The Italian authorities released 126 single authorizations (AU) and 604 simplified authorization procedures (PAS).

pv tydskrif
The October edition of pv tydskrif, out tomorrow, has a focus on the solar and storage trends evident in India, particularly in the manufacturing segment; considers the boom in big utility-scale batteries in Australia; and takes time to examine PV market developments in nations as off the beaten track as Iran and Pakistan.

Sicily authorized the most solar capacity at 1.31 GW followed by Puglia with 923.1 MW and Lazio with 412.2 MW. In terms of power, however, the numbers are quite balanced with 2.73 GW of PV projects having obtained the green light through AU and 2.35 MW through PAS.

The Region that granted the highest amount of AU is Sicily (36) while Puglia stands out for the number of PAS (148) surpassing by far Emilia-Romagna (65) and Abruzzo (54).

The regions that so far this year haven’t authorized any PV plant are Trentino-Alto Adige and Valle d’Aosta.

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