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Sewe interessante sleutelbesonderhede in mansklere vir lente/somer 2022

When it comes to menswear, the details make all the difference. The spring/summer 2022 season will see customers placing more emphasis on features that make men’s clothing both stylish and suitable for everyday wear. These are the trendy key details business buyers should make note of for the coming season.

What influences the men’s apparel market this season?
Menswear key details for spring/summer 2022
Customers demand trendy menswear details

What influences the men’s apparel market this season?

The men’s apparel market consists of all types of clothing for men, including casual, formal, sportswear, and seasonal wear. Globally, the menswear market is expected to reach a value of USD 858.75 billion by 2027, with a CAGR of 6.59 percent between 2021-2027. 

Demand in the menswear market is driven by young, millennial men who have a greater appreciation for fashion trends and personal appearance. These customers focus on style and high-quality garments. They are influenced by marketing from social media content, celebrity endorsements, and promotional sales. As such, it is important for business buyers to keep up with men’s trending mode and offer customers more value by being attentive to extra details.

Menswear key details for spring/summer 2022

Funksionele kenmerke

Blue lightweight men’s jacket with adjustable hood

For the spring and summer season, customers will expect their clothing to go above and beyond in functionality. They continue to be inspired by the atleisure tendens and will seek out pieces that are suitable for outdoor activities or which incorporate features of activewear. 

Customers will look for items that can be adjusted for best fit and comfort using elasticized cords or toggle stoppers. These types of draw cords are commonly found on kappies or middellyfbande. Menswear customers will also be interested in hands-free capabilities through details such as jackets with interior shoulder straps or loops for clip-on accessories

Modern retro styling

White, gray and green striped polo shirt for men

Traditional pieces that have been reworked to feel contemporary will be an appealing menswear trend this season. Customers will look for familiar materials and retro styles that have been updated with modern elements.

The finer details of a product are key to this trend. Details like metaal hardeware, reliëf, leather trims, side adjusters, of preppy badges will transform a wide variety of tops and bottoms into fashion-savvy pieces.

Polo hemde will be an important retro item as they can be styled to look either traditional or trendy, depending on a man’s preference. For forward-thinking customers, haak will be a quirky textile that can transform classic pieces into cool fashion statements.

Futuristic smart-casual looks

Smart men’s dress shirts in black and white

This season, customers will seek out smart-casual looks that are upgraded with the latest advancements in apparel technology. A smart-casual look describes well-fitting business attire combined with components of casual wear. 

Slim and clean lines are a staple of smart dressing, but futuristic details like hidden plackets, invisible zips, of snap buttons will further streamline the aesthetic. 

Men who travel frequently will also pay attention to the technical specifications of fabrics. They will need pieces that can pack easily into their bags, like button-up shirts or dress pants in high stretch fabrics met anti-rimpel or vinnig droog eienskappe.

Bold color and contrast

Colorful tie dye button up shirts for men

Spring and summer are the seasons for optimism and vibrant expression in mansmode. Men will be drawn to playfulness in everyday items through colorful and fun elements.

Borduurwerk, druk, of paneelwerk will be exciting ways to infuse spring and summer menswear with entertaining designs. There are also many opportunities to use smaller components, like tabs, buttons, or zipper pullers, as areas to add a lively personality. 

Clothes in bright, solid colors or bold contrasting colors will be in demand, while tonal contrasts or kontrasterende teksture will be subtler alternatives for men who are more understated.

Multipurpose designs

Man wearing gray sweater with blue and green vest

Black waterproof rain jacket for men

In line with the desire for functional fashion, multipurpose designs will be a unique trend to try. Men will seek out versatile clothing with integrated features that allow it to be repurposed in unexpected ways. 

Clothing that is adaptable to changing weather and different uses will appeal to men who now find themselves with greater work-life balance and more varied activities in a day. Shoppers will want to be surprised by clothing that can move seamlessly between day and night, work and play, or rain and shine. They will delight in sweatshirts with afneembare moue, jackets with removable hoods, of weatherproof fabrics on unexpected items.

Utility pockets

White men’s sweatshirt with pocket for phone
Man wearing gray trousers with cargo pockets

This season’s hot detail in men’s clothing will be utility pockets. These large pockets are common on workwear or military-inspired pieces, such as baadjies, jackets, and trousers.

Veelvuldige sakke or pockets designed for specific purposes, including kangaroo pockets, will attract shoppers who want pieces with added value. For a trendier look, customers will be interested in unusual pocket placement, shapes, sizes, and designs. A statement pocket can also be created using contrasting fabrics, like maas, or different weaving patterns, like ripstop, twill, or canvas.

Reversible pieces

Men’s denim jacket with fleece collar

A key detail for spring and summer will be reversible pieces. Reversible garments can look and be worn differently by turning the garment “inside out.” Similar to the trend of multipurpose designs, reversible clothing allows men to transition between different activities and will appeal to customers with less money to spend. 

Reversible features are common on cardigans, jumpers, or jackets. In addition to reversible colors, clothing can also be reversed to show off other prints, like stripes or plaid. Sweatsuits that can be flipped to show off raised seaming or the underside of a fabric are also part of the trend.

Customers demand trendy menswear details

Influenced by social media and celebrity marketing, men across the world are becoming more interested in the fashion industry. As a result, they are developing an awareness about the details that make up trendy menswear. For the spring/summer 2022 season, men’s trending clothing focuses on functional features and multipurpose designs, including utility pockets and reversible garments. Customers will also have an appreciation for thoughtful style elements like modern embellishments on retro items or seamless tailoring on smart-casual pieces.

Menswear customers are becoming more selective and have higher expectations that fashion delivers on both versatility and design. They are conscious about quality and will spend on items they perceive to offer more value for the price. Therefore, it is important for business buyers to respond to customer demands by making their products stand out with key menswear details.

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