What is This » Produkte verkryging » Chemikalieë & Plastiek » Een stof is by die SVHC-kandidatelys gevoeg, wat die totaal op 242 te staan ​​bring
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Een stof is by die SVHC-kandidatelys gevoeg, wat die totaal op 242 te staan ​​bring

November 7, 2024, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has officially announced the addition of 1 substance to the SVHC List (also known as the Candidate List), bringing the total number of substances to 242. The complete SVHC list can be accessed here.

Slow European Union and EU economy and slowing Europe economic growth as a Euro financial challenge or stagflation problems and slow political Brussels legislation by politicians in a 3D illustration style.

The detailed information of these substance is as follows:

Naam van die stofEG-nommerMAS-nommerRede vir insluitingVoorbeelde van gebruik(e)
Trifenylfosfaat204-112-2115-86-6Endokriene ontwrigtende eienskappe (Artikel 57(f) – omgewing)This substance is used as a flame retardant and plasticiser in polymer formulations, adhesives and sealants.

Warm herinnering

For products exported to the European Union that contain SVHC substances exceeding 0.1%, companies are obligated to fulfill information transmission and SCIP reporting requirements. If the export volume of SVHC substances exceeding 0.1% exceeds one ton per year, SVHC notification must also be conducted.

Korporatiewe Verantwoordelikhede en Verpligtinge

Maatskappye moet bewus wees van hul verantwoordelikhede en verpligtinge met betrekking tot SVHC-stowwe in hul produkte:

  • Wanneer die SVHC-inhoud in 'n artikel 0.1% oorskry, moet sy verskaffers die ontvanger van die artikel van inligting oor die veilige gebruik daarvan voorsien;
  • Op verbruikersversoek moet voldoende inligting, insluitend stofname en hul konsentrasies, binne 45 dae gratis verskaf word;
  • If the export volume exceeds one ton per year, importers and manufacturers of the article need to complete the notification to ECHA within six months from the date of exceeding the threshold;
  • Starting from January 5, 2021, substances from the SVHC list present in articles at concentrations above 0.1% need to be submitted to ECHA’s SCIP database; and
  • Stowwe wat in die SVHC-lys gelys word, kan in die toekoms in die Magtigingslys ingesluit word, wat vereis dat maatskappye aansoek doen vir magtiging om hul gebruik voort te sit.

As jy enige hulp nodig het of enige vrae het, kontak ons ​​asseblief via service@cirs-group.com.

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