China’s Metal Market: Steel Prices Increase Further
Over August 1-5, both China’s steel and iron ore prices increased. Find out more about what is happening in the Chinese steel market.
China’s Metal Market: Steel Prices Increase Further Lees meer »
Over August 1-5, both China’s steel and iron ore prices increased. Find out more about what is happening in the Chinese steel market.
China’s Metal Market: Steel Prices Increase Further Lees meer »
Over July 5-12, China’s steel stocks declined further and steel prices fell to the lowest spot. Find out more about what is happening in the Chinese steel market.
China’s Metal Market: Steel Stocks Decline Further Lees meer »
Over June 20-24, China’s domestic steel prices declined further. Find out more about what is happening in the Chinese metal market.
China se metaalmark: China se staalpryse daal verder Lees meer »
Over May 23-27, China’s spot steel prices decreased further. Find out more about what is happening in the Chinese metal market.
China’s Metal Market: Spot Steel Prices Continue Softening Lees meer »
China’s Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) for the domestic steel industry scored 40.9 in May. Read on to know more latest economic news.
China’s Economic News: May Steel PMI Recovers Slightly Lees meer »
Volg prysneigings om markskommelings te verstaan. Die indeks meet die gemiddelde verandering oor tyd van binnelandse produsente se verkooppryse.
Die vraag na staaluitvoer kan moontlik die hoogte inskiet in 2022. Hoe kan besighede munt slaan uit hierdie ontwikkelende markverskuiwing?
Rebar price continues to fall despite a surge in spot sales of contruction steel. Find out more about the Chinese metal market.
China se metaalmark: invoerpryse van ystererts en handel styg albei Lees meer »
Chinese staalpryse begin herstel namate volgehoue vraag die mark weer optrek. Lees meer in ons weeklikse bedryfsopdatering.
China se metaalmark: staalpryse styg met die vraag Lees meer »
Soos staalpryse weer daal, maar die prysdaling verlangsaam, word dit weer opgetrek deur 'n 70.6% toename in vraag. Lees meer vir die volledige ontleding.