
Electric car recharging from EV charging station display smart digital battery status hologram

FreeWire Introduces Accelerate Program for Fast Chargers; Chevron Among First Customers

FreeWire Technologies, a provider of battery-integrated electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and energy management solutions, introduced its Accelerate Program, which allows businesses to offer and collect payments from ultrafast EV charging amenities at their site, while FreeWire owns and operates the equipment. Chevron is among the first to participate in…

FreeWire Introduces Accelerate Program for Fast Chargers; Chevron Among First Customers Lees meer »

Mercedes dealership Mercedes-Benz German automobile manufacturer sign garage

Mercedes-Benz stel nuwe Wallbox in die VSA bekend en bied gekoppelde en intelligente laai by die huis

The new Mercedes-Benz Wallbox is now widely available across the United States, providing customers with another connected and intelligent charging option at home. The wallbox delivers up to 11.5 kW on a 240V split-phase circuit. This makes charging with the Wallbox about 8x faster than using a conventional household outlet….

Mercedes-Benz stel nuwe Wallbox in die VSA bekend en bied gekoppelde en intelligente laai by die huis Lees meer »

Elektriese vragmotor met laaistasie

Electrify America en NFI Open Heavy-Duty Charging Infrastructure Project

Electrify America and NFI , a leading North American third-party logistics provider, announced the grand opening of NFI’s state-of-the-art DC fast charging facility in Ontario, CA. Supporting NFI’s fleet of 50 heavy-duty electric trucks, the project advances the electrification of drayage operations between the Ports of Los Angeles and Long…

Electrify America en NFI Open Heavy-Duty Charging Infrastructure Project Lees meer »

electric vehicle recharging at public charging station

Lotus werk saam met Bosch en mobiliseer om klante toegang tot >600,000 XNUMX Europese laaistasies te gee

Lotus announced two new pan-European charging partnerships to support the growing number of customers taking delivery of its electric vehicles. The company’s Eletre owners will be able tap into Bosch’s and Mobilize Power Solutions’ charging capabilities, enabling them to charge their hyper-SUV at home or on the move, providing them…

Lotus werk saam met Bosch en mobiliseer om klante toegang tot >600,000 XNUMX Europese laaistasies te gee Lees meer »

Group of EV charging stations

FreeWire-tegnologieë bied vinnige en buigsame EV-laai-oplossings aan GM Energy-kommersiële kliënte

FreeWire Technologies, a developer of ultrafast electric vehicle (EV) charging and energy management solutions, (earlier post), announced a collaboration with GM Energy to accelerate the deployment of ultrafast EV charging infrastructure for GM Envolve fleet and commercial customers nationwide. This effort will help support GM Energy by providing a streamlined…

FreeWire-tegnologieë bied vinnige en buigsame EV-laai-oplossings aan GM Energy-kommersiële kliënte Lees meer »


US Postal Service onthul eerste pos-elektriese voertuiglaaistasies en elektriese afleweringsvoertuie

Die Verenigde State se posdiens (USPS) het sy eerste stel elektriese voertuie (EV) laaistasies by sy Suid-Atlanta Sorteer- en Afleweringsentrum (S&DC) onthul. Laaistasies soos hierdie sal regdeur die jaar by honderde nuwe S&DC's regoor die land geïnstalleer word en sal aandryf wat die ...

US Postal Service onthul eerste pos-elektriese voertuiglaaistasies en elektriese afleweringsvoertuie Lees meer »

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