SPE Report Tracks 3rd Consecutive Year of Doubling Annual Market, With 94 Percent Increase Last Year
SolarPower Europe releases BESS report for European market that shows annual growth of 94% in 2023. Read to know more.
SolarPower Europe releases BESS report for European market that shows annual growth of 94% in 2023. Read to know more.
Wood Mackenzie reported large growth in Q1 year-over-year for grid-scale storage and residential storage in the USA, while commercial and industrial storage slowed.
U.S. Grid-Scale Storage Grows 84%, Residential Storage 48% Lees meer »
Solarwatt stop Duitse batteryproduksie; VINCI belê in Helios; MYTILINEOS se Ierse PPA; Ingeteam se Spanje-kontrak; Fraunhofer TOPCon doeltreffendheid.
Australian miner Liontown Resources has flicked the switch on one of the largest off-grid renewable energy hybrid power stations in Australia.
Australian Miner Energizes 95 MW Offgrid Wind-Solar-Storage Plant Lees meer »
US-based technology provider Torus has agreed to supply nearly 26 MWh of energy storage for Gardner Group’s commercial real estate portfolio. The project will integrate battery and flywheel energy storage systems (BESS, FESS) with Torus’ proprietary energy management platform.
U.S. Commercial Real Estate To Host VPP-Connected Flywheels and Batteries Lees meer »
UK’s Hive Energy said the projects will feature battery energy storage systems that equate to 10% of the overall solar capacity.
Hive Energy Secures Grid Connection Permit for 215.6 MW of Solar Projects in Serbia Lees meer »
Die filiaal van die Chinese-Kanadese sonkragvervaardiger Canadian Solar sê die finansiering sal gaan na die ontwikkeling en bou van sonkrag- en battery-energiebergingsprojekte regoor Spanje, Italië, die VK, Nederland, Frankryk en Duitsland.
Herhalende energie verseker € 1.3 miljard finansiering vir Europese projekpyplyn Lees meer »
Australië keur 'n 960 MW DC/800 MW WS-sonkragaanleg met 'n 250 MW-battery in Queensland goed, wat mik na 80% hernubare energie teen 2035.
Researchers at Germany’s Frauhofer ISE have analyzed the performance of a residential heat pump connected to a rooftop PV system relying on battery storage and have found that this combination significantly improves the performance of the heat pump while also increasing considerably the solar array’s self-consumption rate.
Griekeland om €1 miljard te belê vir 813 MW sonkrag-PV met berging, wat Faethon-projek en 309 MW-parke bevoordeel, wat mik na middel-2025-bedryf.
The US Department of Energy is funding a pilot project to demonstrate the commercial viability of storing energy in heated sand, which is capable of producing 135 MW of power for five days.
US Government Funds Pilot Project for Heated Sand Energy Storage Lees meer »
Lower costs, better supply chains and steady demand are driving an energy storage boom in the United States, according to a new report from Wood Mackenzie.
Amerikaanse energiebergingsektor bloei, sê Wood Mackenzie Lees meer »
Learn how innovations in battery storage technology are transforming how we generate, manage, and consume energy. Read on for the top storage solutions.
How Battery Storage is Revolutionizing Our Energy Use Lees meer »
Masdar brei uit in US.Microsoft vennote EDPR NA.SRP, NextEra kommissie 260 MW sonkrag/berging in Arizona. MPSC ontken Consumers Energy biomassa-kontrak beëindiging. Eagle Creek koop Lightstar. Chart Industries help Kalifornië se groen waterstofaanleg.
China se PV-installasies sal in 190 tot 220-2024 GW verlangsaam; globale toevoegings voorspel op 390-430 GW deur China Photovoltaic Industry Association.