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'n motorfiets wat deur Yamaha vervaardig is

Yamaha Motor belê in Electric Motion SAS

Yamaha Motor invested in French EV company Electric Motion SAS, a company that develops and manufactures electric motorcycles for trials and off-road riding. The aim of this investment is to raise the presence of both companies in the electric motorcycle market as well as to delve into the possibilities available with electric motorcycles for competition.

As strategic partners, the two companies will bring together their respective expertise and capabilities to explore collaborative avenues in technology development.

Epure FACTOR-e electric trials bike by Electric Motion SAS

Since its founding in 2009, Electric Motion has sold its products under the EM brand name in approximately 40 countries around the world-including Japan and is steadily increasing its presence in the market for competition trials and off-road bikes.

Yamaha Motor, in line with its Yamaha Motor Group Environmental Plan 2050, is working toward being carbon neutral throughout all of its supply chains, including the company’s business activities by 2050.

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