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Macbook Pro ከነጭ iPad አጠገብ

በሸማቾች ኤሌክትሮኒክስ ላይ የአሊባባ አዝማሚያ ሪፖርት፡ ጥቅምት 2023

ዝርዝር ሁኔታ
ዓለም አቀፍ አጠቃላይ እይታ
Category x geo overview
Subcategory x geo overall
Regional YoY top-growing subcategories

ዓለም አቀፍ አጠቃላይ እይታ

In October 2023, Consumer Electronics saw a year-over-year (YoY) increase of approximately 3.5% in Daily Unique Visitor (DUV) when compared to October 2022. This trend was consistent across all regions. Notably, the EU region had the strongest YoY growth.

Daily Unique Visitor

Category x geo overview

October 2023 saw a boom in entertainment electronics, with Television, Home Audio, Video & Accessories skyrocketing 68% YoY DUV globally. Other categories like Chargers, Batteries & Power Supplies, Speakers & Accessories, and Mobile Phone & Accessories also enjoyed healthy growth of 10%-15% YoY. 

Global Daily Unique Visitors

US & Mexico top-growing categories

US and Mexican electronics markets saw strong YoY DUV growth in October 2023, with Television, Home Audio, Video & Accessories (+68%) and Speakers & Accessories (+40%) leading the pack. Portable Audio, Video & Accessories, Blockchain Miners, and Mobile Phone & Accessories also had a strong increase (+20%). 


EU top-growing categories

The EU electronics markets recorded strong YoY DUV growth in October 2023, with Television, Home Audio, Video, and Accessories (+60%) and Portable Audio, Video, and Accessories (+60%) leading the way. Speakers and Accessories, Chargers, Batteries and Power Supplies, Earphones and Headphones and Accessories, and Mobile Phone and Accessories also experienced growth of more than 20%. 

EU Daily Unique Visitors

South Asia top-growing categories

The SA electronics market continued its strong YoY DUV growth in October 2023, driven by strong demand for Television, Home Audio, Video, and Accessories, which saw a 78% increase. Mobile Phone & Computer Repair Parts (25%) and Mobile Phone & Accessories (24%) also saw strong growth. 

SA Daily Unique Visitors

In conclusion, the surge in Television, Home Audio, Video & Accessories across the globe in 2023 underscores a clear opportunity. 

Subcategory x geo overall

The table below highlights the top 20 subcategories in electronics that experienced the highest YoY growth globally. Here’s the quick breakdown:

  • Mobile Technology: Rugged phones, Smart phones, and Feature phones dominate the top three spots with astronomical YoY increases exceeding ~1000%. Mobile Phone Repair Tools & Equipments also had ~480% surge. 
  • Lifestyle Electronics: Speaker Stands, Speaker Cables, and Speaker Accessories also see impressive growth, suggesting rising demand for home entertainment upgrades and convenience.
  • Tech Gear: Printers & Scanners, Mouse Pads, Smart GPS Trackers & Locator, Servers, Networking Storage, Monitors, and Battery Accessories all show strong YoY increases, indicating continued demand for basic tech necessities.
  • Connectivity: Mobile Phone Chargers, Other Networking Devices, and Multifunction chargers demonstrate health growth, highlighting the importance of staying connected.
ከፍተኛ ዝርዝርንዑስ ምድብGlobal YoY
1ባለጌ ስልክ9401%
2ዘመናዊ ስልክ1787%
3ባህሪ ስልክ998%
4የተናጋሪው አቋም725%
5Mobile Phone Repair Tools & Equipments479%
6ዲጂታል የስጦታ ካርድ268%
7የድምፅ ማጉያ ኬብሎች239%
8አታሚዎች እና ስካነሮች168%
9የመዳፊት ፓፓዎች125%
10ስማርት ጂፒኤስ መከታተያ እና አመልካች117%
12የድምጽ ማጉያ መለዋወጫዎች95%
13Networking Storage94%
14የሥራ ጣቢያዎች89%
16የባትሪ መለዋወጫዎች88%
17የሻተር መለቀቅ80%
18የሞባይል ስልክ ባትሪ መሙያዎች80%
19Other Networking Devices74%
20Multifunction Chargers62%

Regional YoY top-growing subcategories

Surging Segments:

  • Rugged phones: Dominate across all regions, with USMX leading at 6231% and EU following at 2131%. This points to a strong demand for durable and reliable communication devices.
  • Smartphones & Feature phones: See impressive growth in all regions, indicating continued smartphone adoption and upgrades.
  • Digital gift cards: Enjoy widespread popularity across all regions (USMX: 245%, SA: 292%, EU: 234%), indicating their continued relevance as a gifting option.

Other noteworthy trends:

  • Routers: SA takes the spotlight with a 2265% surge, likely driven by increased reliance on remote work and online entertainment.
  • Mobile phone repair tools & equipment: See notable increases in both USMX (445%) and EU (324%), highlighting the importance of device maintenance.
  • Home video & accessories: SA showcases a 322% YoY rise, potentially driven by renewed interest in home entertainment.
  • MP3 playersand MP3 Bags & Cases: See strong increases in both EU (447%) and USMX (192%).
ከፍተኛ ዝርዝርየጂኦንዑስ ምድብአዎ
1USMXባለጌ ስልክ6231%
3SAስማርት መስታወት2212%
4EUባለጌ ስልክ2131%
5USMXዘመናዊ ስልክ2078%
6EUዘመናዊ ስልክ1695%
8USMXባህሪ ስልክ744%
9SAባህሪ ስልክ616%
10SAMobile Phone Motherboard548%
11EUባህሪ ስልክ500%
12EUMP3 ተጫዋቾች447%
13USMXMobile Phone Repair Tools & Equipments445%
14USMXየተናጋሪው አቋም355%
16EUMobile Phone Repair Tools & Equipments324%
17SAየቤት ቪዲዮ እና መለዋወጫዎች322%
18SAዲጂታል የስጦታ ካርድ292%
19USMXዲጂታል የስጦታ ካርድ245%
20EUዲጂታል የስጦታ ካርድ234%
21USMXMP3 Bags & Cases231%
22USMXMP3 ተጫዋቾች192%
23SASet-top ሣጥን173%
24EUየቲቪ እንጨቶች166%
25USMXየድምጽ ማጉያ መለዋወጫዎች157%
26SAየድምፅ ማጉያ ኬብሎች149%
27SAዘመናዊ ማሳያ130%
28SAስታይለስ እስክሪብቶች117%
29SASmart Watch Bands እና መለዋወጫዎች116%
30EUየድምጽ ማጉያ መለዋወጫዎች98%

አስተያየት ውጣ

የእርስዎ ኢሜይል አድራሻ ሊታተም አይችልም. የሚያስፈልጉ መስኮች ምልክት የተደረገባቸው ናቸው, *

ወደ ላይ ሸብልል