የደራሲው ስም: DCL ሎጂስቲክስ

ዲሲኤል ሎጅስቲክስ በ3 ዓመታት የክዋኔ እውቀት የተመሰረተ ዘመናዊ 40PL ነው።

አምሳያ ፎቶ
Delivery order service company transportation

Understanding Inventory Carrying Costs + Formula for Calculating It per Unit

There are many nuances to managing a growing ecommerce business. Inventory management requires resources and experience—to properly track, store, and manage products across the supply chain is no small task. Any discrepancies or issues upstream can result in problems downstream (i.e. for the customer). A common metric that high-growth ecommerce brands track regularly is their […]

Understanding Inventory Carrying Costs + Formula for Calculating It per Unit ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ »

Transport and logistic concept

What Is a Carrier Facility? A Complete Guide

What is a Carrier Facility? A carrier facility plays a pivotal role in the logistics and shipping industry. When your package has arrived at a carrier facility, it means it has reached a location where shipping companies like Amazon, FedEx, and USPS , as well as regional carriers sort and process packages. These facilities are […]

What Is a Carrier Facility? A Complete Guide ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ »

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