በAI የተጎላበተ አቅርቦቶችን ለማጠናከር HubSpot ፍሬም AIን ለማግኘት
HubSpot ፍሬም AI ለማግኘት ተስማምቷል፣ በአይ የተጎለበተ የውይይት መረጃ መድረክ ላልተገለጸ ድምር።
HubSpot ፍሬም AI ለማግኘት ተስማምቷል፣ በአይ የተጎለበተ የውይይት መረጃ መድረክ ላልተገለጸ ድምር።
German automotive major Volkswagen Group has unveiled plans to invest as much as $5bn in US-based electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer Rivian.
Shopify opened up its AI-powered tools to more users in the hopes of attracting more businesses to its e-commerce platform.
ተጨማሪ ንግዶችን ለመሳብ Shopify በ AI የተጎላበተ ባህሪያትን ከፍ ያደርጋል ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ »
የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ዋና የቴክኖሎጂ ኦፊሰር ዜንዴስክ አድሪያን ማክደርሞት ስለወደፊቱ የደንበኛ ልምድ ስላለው ራዕይ ከቬዲክት ጋር ይነጋገራል።
በውይይት ውስጥ: Zendesk CTO እኛ እንደምናውቀው AI እንዴት የደንበኛ አገልግሎቶችን እንደሚለውጥ ያብራራል ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ »
The US government will fast-track a vote next week on legislation forcing China’s ByteDance to divest TikTok or face a complete US ban.
US Committee Unanimously Approves Legislation That Could Ban TikTok ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ »
The EU have approved the AI Act with an overwhelming majority, marking the next step at enforcing the world’s most extensive set of AI rules.
Only 51% of UK businesses understand the benefits of AI, with only 20% having a strong understanding of how to harness AI technology.
Walmart is selling its AI software to other companies as the retail giant looks to diversify its business beyond grocery stores.
Walmart To Sell Its AI Software to Retailers as It Diversifies Business ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ »
The orchestrators of a money-making scheme, claiming to use AI for e-commerce success, have been ordered by the FTC to surrender $21.7m.
Trust in AI is integral to promoting SME adoption of the technology, according to comments made by UK tech minister Saqib Bhatti.
Trust in AI Integral to SME Adoption, Says UK Tech Minister ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ »
ቲክ ቶክ በኢንዶኔዥያ ትልቁን የኢ-ኮሜርስ መድረክን ለመቆጣጠር ስምምነትን አጠናቋል፣ ይህም በሀገሪቱ የኢ-ኮሜርስ መድረክ መመለሱን ያመለክታል።
ቲክ ቶክ የኢንዶኔዥያ ኢ-ኮሜርስ ገበያ በ$1.5bn በቶኮፔዲያ ድርድር እንደገና ገባ ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ »
Apple’s long awaited augmented reality headset, the Vision Pro, has finally arrived in the US – how will specific industries be affected?
Amazon has revealed Rufus, an artificial intelligence-powered shopping assistant positioned to transform the online retail experience.
AI can boost small businesses’ efficiency by 40%, according to a recent survey by The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council (SBEC).
AI Can Boost Small Business Efficiency by 40%, Says New Report ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ »
Video streaming services operate on multiple devices, making it difficult to track viewership consistently.