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concept vehicle

ካዲላክ ጥሩ የፍጥነት ፅንሰ-ሀሳብን እንደ የሁሉም ኤሌክትሪክ የቅንጦት አፈፃፀም ወደፊት ያሳያል

Cadillac ተገኝቷል the Opulent Velocity concept vehicle, combining advanced technology with bespoke luxury. The concept represents the future vision of electric performance for Cadillac V-Series.

Cadillac opulent velocity concept vehicle

The Opulent experience is designed to imagine the personal freedom that full autonomous mobility could enable. Level 4 autonomous capability creates a hands-free immersive experience through multi-sensory modes that promote respite. These modes are accessible via a full widescreen display and Augmented Reality Head-Up Display (AR HUD).

The Velocity experience provides the user with the maximum thrill of a hypercar vehicle, while keeping the sense of luxury of the Cadillac V-Series.

Triggered by the touch of the multi-functional controller, Opulent Velocity transforms from autonomous mode to Velocity experience. Once Velocity is activated, the steering wheel and pedals present themselves and the user is prompted to take hold of the wheel. The concept’s front seats saddle the cantilevered Y-shaped console and are mated directly to the door—this helps secure the driver for high-speed maneuvering.

The Velocity experience is inspired by Cadillac’s Blackwing track-proven engineering. Incorporating an authentic track experience, the Velocity mode conceptualizes a “Ghost Car” function that displays on the HUD screen, serving as the vehicle user guide. This mode presents a competitive driving course that allows drivers to improve their lap times or compete against peers on various designated tracks.

Furthermore, Velocity mode visualizes the capability to dictate driving enhancements, including road overlays, active information about road conditions, and complete control over active aero and suspension dampening settings.

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