Edinburgh Airport To Get Solar Power Plant From Ampyr & More From Gamesa, Midsummer, Vidrala
AMPYR will implement a solar and storage project for Edinburgh Airport in Scotland; Gamesa Electric expands to Australia.
ለታዳሽ ኢነርጂ ኢንዱስትሪ ግንዛቤዎችን እና የገበያ አዝማሚያዎችን ማግኘት።
AMPYR will implement a solar and storage project for Edinburgh Airport in Scotland; Gamesa Electric expands to Australia.
Beiersdorf, Fundeen and Netto all invested to bulid solar systems lately. Some of them chose to install rooftop solar power system.
ጠቅላላ ሃይሎች በኢንዶኔዥያ ውስጥ ለቤየርዶርፍ እና ከFundeen, Netto ለጣሪያ የፀሐይ ስርዓት ለመጫን ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ »
Netherlands has the €13 billion budget for SDE++ 2022. This round will be open to new categories including green hydrogen.
ኔዘርላንድስ SDE++ 2022ን በፀሐይ/በነፋስ የሚንቀሳቀሱ አረንጓዴ ሃይድሮጅን ፕሮጀክቶችን ለማካተት ትዘረጋለች። ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ »
Origis Energy, SolarEdge, QTS Realty Trust and Sol-REIT & Source Renewables have financed for renewable solar energy.
Bahrain’s F1 weekend will be powered by solar energy after the BIC announced completion of a solar project on site.
ለንግድ ፣ ለኢንዱስትሪ እና ለቤት አገልግሎት ተስማሚ የሆኑ የፀሐይ ፓነሎች ዓይነቶችን በመማር ቀልጣፋ የፀሐይ ኃይል ስርዓቶችን ይገንቡ።
Hysata says electrolyzer technology improvement by the team makes it to produce green hydrogen costing less than $1.50 per kg by 2020.
Nines Photovoltaics’ atmospheric dry etching process fulfills the requirements of single-side etching in TOPCon to remove the wrap-around.
Virginia SCC approves Dominion Energy’s proposals, which may bring in over $880 million in economic benefits.
Virginia SCC Approves Dominion Energy’s Proposal for 15 Solar Energy Projects ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ »
If you are interested in the market shares of backsheets and encapsulants in 2021, please read this TaiyangNews market survey.
SunDrive has achieved a power conversion efficiency of 26.07% for its heterojunction (HJT) solar cell, using Maxwell’s mass production-ready equipment.
ጂዬታይ በ PVD ላይ የተመሰረተ የንግድ ምርትን ለTOPcon የሚያቀርብ ብቸኛው ድርጅት ሲሆን ዋልታ ፒቪ እና ቮን አርደን በአዳዲስ ምርቶች ላይ መስራታቸውን ቀጥለዋል።
ይህ ብቸኛ የታይያንግ ኒውስ ዘገባ በTOPCon የፀሐይ ቴክኖሎጂ ላይ የPERCን ተፈጥሯዊ ተተኪ ፍላጎት እየጨመረ ያሳያል።
የፀሐይ ኃይል እየጨመረ በመምጣቱ ይቀጥላል. ለ Nova Scotia's SolarHomes እና ሌሎች ብዙ እቅዶችን እና ፋይናንስን በተመለከተ የበለጠ ለማወቅ ያንብቡ።
የተቀናጀ የሶላር ፒቪ አምራች እና መከታተያ ሰሪ ትሪና ሶላር ከ39.92 እስከ 66.76 የተጣራ ትርፍ ከ 2020% ወደ 2021% እድገት አሳይቷል። የበለጠ ለማወቅ ያንብቡ።