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Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Daimler Truck signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to study the establishment and optimization for the supply of liquid hydrogen.

The collaboration represents an advancement in ongoing efforts to broaden the use of liquid hydrogen, e.g. in road freight transport. The mutual initiative includes the study of the entire supply chain for liquid hydrogen, including LH2 terminals, large- and medium-sized overseas shipping and large-scale liquid hydrogen storage.

Kawasaki Heavy Industries focuses on liquefied hydrogen out of various hydrogen carriers. We are simultaneously developing all core technologies necessary to establish international hydrogen supply chains, such as hydrogen liquefiers, liquefied hydrogen carriers, liquefied hydrogen storage tanks and its usage. In the context of the European hydrogen market, which has the world’s largest demand, Germany’s efforts are indeed crucial. Daimler Truck is advancing the development of next-generation fuel cell trucks powered by liquified hydrogen, aiming to be a pioneer in the liquified hydrogen market. We are proud to be able to contribute to this collaboration, which is highly gratifying.

—Yoshinori Kanehana, Chairman of the Board of Kawasaki Heavy Industries

We at Daimler Truck aim to lead sustainable transportation, and hydrogen plays a key role in decarbonization. Besides providing the right trucks and buses, it is absolutely crucial to establish the supply and lower the costs of green hydrogen. Our initiative with Kawasaki underlines the comprehensive view and activities Daimler Truck is pursuing to make economically priced green liquid hydrogen a reality for our customers.

—Martin Daum, Chairman of the Board of Management and CEO of Daimler Truck

With a focus on the realization of hydrogen-based societies in which hydrogen is proactively utilized, as detailed in the Basic Energy Plan of Japan, Kawasaki is working together with government agencies and related companies, both in Japan and overseas, to develop technology for the early establishment of a hydrogen supply chain from production to transportation, storage, and usage.

Daimler Truck is planning to make its entire range of trucks and buses CO2– neutral in driving operation across its global core markets (Europe, US, Japan) by 2039.

To decarbonize transportation, Daimler Truck is pursuing a dual-track strategy with hydrogen-powered and battery-electric vehicles. The company recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Masdar to explore liquid green hydrogen options from Abu Dhabi/UAE (United Arab Emirates) to Europe by 2030. In a demonstration of the feasibility of using liquid hydrogen in road transportation, the prototype Mercedes-Benz GenH2 Truck recently completed a trip of 1,047 kilometers across Germany with one fill of liquid hydrogen under real-life conditions.

Daimler Truck is building a customer-trial fleet of Mercedes-Benz GenH2 Trucks which are expected to be deployed in mid-2024.

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