ታዳሽ ኃይል

Hydrogen tank, solar panel and windmills with sunny blue sky

Serbia Attracts $2 Billion Chinese Investment in Solar, Wind, Hydrogen

The Serbian Ministry of Mining and Energy has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Chinese companies Shanghai Fengling Renewables and Serbia Zijin Copper. It envisages the construction of 1.5 GW wind and 500 MW of solar projects alongside a green hydrogen production facility with 30,000 tons of annual output.

Serbia Attracts $2 Billion Chinese Investment in Solar, Wind, Hydrogen ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ »

በጣራው ላይ የተጫኑ የፀሐይ ፓነሎች

የጣሪያ ፒቪ መዝገቦች ሲወድቁ የአውስትራሊያ የኢነርጂ ሽግግር ያፋጥናል።

Australia’s rooftop solar sector continues to shine bright with new data from the Australian Energy Market Operator revealing that distributed PV output across the main grid reached a record high in the final quarter of 2023.

የጣሪያ ፒቪ መዝገቦች ሲወድቁ የአውስትራሊያ የኢነርጂ ሽግግር ያፋጥናል። ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ »

ወደ ላይ ሸብልል