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በ2023 የዓሣ ማጥመጃ ዘንግ ለመምረጥ መመሪያዎ

በ2023 የአሳ ማጥመጃ ዘንግ ለመምረጥ መመሪያዎ

Selecting the best fishing rod can be a difficult task to carry out simply because of the wide range of fishing rods available in the market. When buying a fishing rod for your business, it is essential to understand the client’s different needs and preferences. Various factors need to be considered before selecting one, including the material used, length, power, and the intended action for the fishing rod. 

This article will give an overview of the market for fishing rods, and then it will offer key tips for selecting the best fishing rods, as well highlighting the main types of fishing rods available today. 

ዝርዝር ሁኔታ
Fishing rods market share and size
የዓሣ ማጥመጃ ዘንግ ዓይነቶች
Important tips to consider when buying fishing rods

Fishing rods market share and size

The fishing rod market has seen positive growth and is expected to experience the same pattern in the coming years. The market size is driven by people’s interest in outdoor activities, including recreational fishing. However, the demand for fishing rods has propelled the market to approximately በ957.5 2022 ሚሊዮን ዶላር with an uptrend of a 5.1% compound annual growth rate (CAGR), projected to reach USD 1289.2 Million by 2028. 

The fishing rod market is divided into spinning rods, bait casting rods, and others. According to Stratview ምርምር, spinning rods have controlled the market since 2019 and are expected to hold their position further during the forecast period.

Recreational fishing has the largest market share because of people’s explorative nature of fishing destinations. And it is dominant in the market. The fishing rod market can be segmented into regions and material type, and the market provides consumers with various distribution channels, including online and offline.  

የዓሣ ማጥመጃ ዘንግ ዓይነቶች

Understanding the different types of fishing rods and their characteristics is essential before purchasing one. Discussed below are some of the fishing rods available in the market and their key features:

1. Spinning rod

Spinning rods are one of the most popular fishing rods available in the market and are used by many anglers. They are designed with a spinning reel mounted on the rod, making it easy to cast and efficient when retrieving. Spinning rods are best for catching small to medium-sized fish. They also have different lengths and power to accommodate different conditions and fish species. Longer rods are efficient in casting and control, while shorter rods provide sensitivity and accuracy.

2. Baitcasting rods

Baitcasting rods are best suited for more experienced fishos, with better control and accuracy. They are ideal for catching larger fish species like the bass in freshwater and salty water zones. Baitcasting rods are available in various sizes and power ratings, making them suitable for various fishing scenarios.   

3. Fly rods

Fly rods are designed to capture flying fish. They have unique features such as guides, handles, and reel seats. The guides are small and light to reduce friction and enhance casting accuracy. Their handles are made of cork and foam. Fly rods are commonly used in freshwater fishing to catch trout, salmon, and bass.

4. Surf rods

Surf rods are designed for surf fishing; they are cast at the shore into the ocean and other large water bodies for better use. Surf rods are long, measuring between 1014 ጫማ. They are made from different materials, such as graphite and fiberglass. A strong and durable surf rod is the best for fishing fish from rough water surfaces.

5. Telescopic rods

ቴሌስኮፒክ ዘንጎች can be adjusted to suit any preference. These rods are convenient for travel and storage. Telescopic rods are available in various lengths, and power. Also they are used in different fishing zones. 

6. Ice fishing rods

የበረዶ ማጥመጃ ዘንጎች are specifically designed to suit icy environments; they are shorter in length and stiffer than other fishing rods. Ice fishing rods have an approximate length of ከ 24 እስከ 36 ኢንች. Ice fishing rods provide a better grip to prevent slipping out of hand during wet and cold conditions. Some ice fishing rods are well equipped with heaters to keep hands warm during fishing.

7. Kids rods

Kids’ fishing rods are specifically designed to suit children. They are commonly shorter, lighter, and easier to handle than adult fishing rods. Kids’ fishing rods vary in length, but they are usually 2-5 feet long. Also, their handles are well-designed to increase the grip and fit the hand comfortably during fishing. However, kids’ fishing rods come with additional features, decorative colours and accessories to help kids learn faster.

Important tips to consider when buying fishing rods

Before deciding to purchase any fishing rod, it is important to consider the factors discussed below. 

1. ባጀት 

The market for fishing rods is diverse, with varying prices depending on the model and the quality of the rod. Fishing rod prices range from approximately USD 21.00 – USD 25.83. It is also important to check on the long-term value of the fishing rods to plan for your budget.  

2. Rod length 

Shorter rods limit the distance, accuracy, and ability to catch fish, whereas longer rods expand the stretch of fishing and capturing larger fish. It is vital to know the type of fishing for surf fishing or deep sea fishing to choose the correct rod length to suit customers preference. 

3. Rod action

Rod action refers to the flexibility and hardness of the fishing rod when pressure is applied to it while fishing. Rod actions have a tendency to be fast, medium, and slow.  Faster rod actions provide accuracy and sensitivity when fishing while lower rod actions do not. Better rod action depends on a variety of factors, including the lure’s weight, size, and quality of water.

4. Weight class

The weight class dictates the type and the size of the fishing rod. Weight class has two categories: ultra-light and extra-heavy. Ultra-light is suitable for smaller fish, while extra-heavy is ideal for larger fish. It is important to match the weight class with the role of the rod.

5. ፍጥነት 

Speed refers to how fast or slow the rod returns to its straight position after being bent. Fast-speed rods can recover quickly and can catch larger and stronger fish. On the other hand, a slower speed rod is more flexible when targeting small species. Always consider flexibility, power, and recovery rate for more speed.

6. ኃይል

The rod’s power represents the rod’s strength to resist bends during fishing. Fishing rods should be sturdy, to allow quick hooks and easy retrieval from under the cover. There are those fishing rods that are lighter, have less power, and are mainly meant for lighter እንሽላሊት and for fishing smaller species.  

7 ቁሳቁስ 

Fishing rods are commonly made from materials like graphite, fiberglass, and composite blends. Graphite fishing rods are lightweight, sensitive, and strong, making them good for accuracy and sensitivity. However, fiberglass rods are heavier, durable, flexible, and ideal for heavy fishing in harsh fishing conditions. Composite blend rods are a combination of both graphite and fiberglass. They are strong and sensitive and have good flexibility.  


Purchasing fishing rods can be a challenging task. Buyers need to consider the various needs of their consumers, such as the correct types of rods including ice fishing rods, surf rods, and more discussed above, to help make an informed decision. For more details, and for listings of quality and durable fishing rods, visit Chovm.com

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