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Bundesnetzagentur: 11M/2023 PV Installations Exceed 13 GW, Taking Cumulative to Over 80 GW

  • Bundesnetzagentur pegs November 2023 solar installations in Germany at 1.18 GW 
  • It is a growth over 653 MW added in November 2022, but a drop from 1.33 GW adjusted for October 2023 
  • At the end of November 2023, Germany’s aggregate installed solar PV capacity exceeded 80 GW 

The Federal Network Agency or Bundesnetzagentur of Germany says the country grew its solar PV capacity by 1,183 MW in the month of November 2023, taking the cumulative installed capacity in the country to over 80.74 GW. 

These monthly additions expand the country’s 11M/2023 PV capacity to 13.18 GW, just 1 GW shy of SolarPower Europe’s (SPE) 14 GW forecast for the country this year in its European Market Outlook for Solar Power 2023-2027 (see EU Solar PV Installations Reach 56 GW In 2023). 

While this is a significant growth over 653 MW the agency reported for November 2022, it is a drop from 1.335 GW added in October 2023, which is an adjusted number from 1.23 GW Bundesnetzagentur announced previously (see Germany Installed 1.23 GW New Solar PV In Oct 2023). 

However, it needs to grid-connect over 1.58 GW/month to reach the federal target of 215 GW by 2030. 

During the reporting period, the star solar market of Europe installed 608.3 MW of rooftop PV, 16.6 MW of ground-mounted projects and 2.9 MW of tenant electricity facilities, supported by state funding under the Renewable Energy Sources (EEG) Act. 

Ground-mounted solar capacity of 391 MW and 21.5 MW of rooftop PV capacity selected under EEG auctions along with 15.4 MW of rooftop and 127.9 MW of open space unsubsidized projects also contributed to the tally, shared the agency. 

Going forward, SPE expects residential demand for solar to drop over the next few years, pulling down the overall pace of installations in all of European Union (EU). 

The agency also shared other renewable energy installations that are way below the pace of solar in the country. Biomass projects commissioned during November 2023 totaled 11 MW, onshore wind grew by 211 MW while no new offshore wind turbines were installed during the month. 

Source from Taiyang News

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