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Dutch Parliament Rejects Climate Ministry’s Proposal to Phase Out Scheme; Industry Not Happy

Modern Dutch houses with solar panels on roof
  • The Dutch Senate has rejected the netting scheme phase-out proposal of the Climate and Energy Ministry 
  • It has voted to keep the scheme as it benefits people with lower income to become sustainable 
  • Holland Solar agrees with the ministry to claim the scheme needs to change as it puts pressure on the grid 
  • It should encourage solar system owners to consume the energy they generate instead of feeding it into the grid causing grid congestion 

The solar energy sector association Holland Solar of the Netherlands does not see the continuation of net metering scheme as decided by the country’s Parliament as a decision that bodes well for the national electricity grid. 

On February 13, 2024. the Senate Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal rejected the netting scheme for small consumers phase-out proposal submitted by the country’s Climate and Energy Minister Rob Jetten. 

The current administration wants to phase out the scheme over the next 6 years as it sees it having served its purpose and become ‘outdated, expensive and an unjust redistribution,’ especially as module prices are going south. 

However, a majority of the members of the Parliament voted to keep the successful scheme as it has made the Netherlands a global leader with the highest number of solar panels per inhabitant. They want the scheme to be maintained so more people can make use of this financial incentive to make a rental home more sustainable, in the lower income category. 

The General Manager of Holland Solar Wijnand van Hooff believes that while the development provides clarity to the market, it will not encourage people to consume the power they generate. Financial benefits for net metering will ensure they keep feeding solar power to the grid, thus contributing to grid congestion, especially at peak times. 

“The netting scheme does not provide any incentive for the solar panel owner to use their own generation. We would like to enter into discussions with the government to find solutions for grid congestion on the low-voltage grid caused by netting,” added van Hooff. 

Source from Taiyang News

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