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Global Fastest Declining Industries in 2022


Table of Contents
Global Respiratory Ventilator Manufacturing
Global Iron Ore Mining
Global Coal Mining
Global Computer Hardware Manufacturing
Global Newspaper Publishing
Global Magazine Publishing
Global Footwear Manufacturing
Global Life & Health Insurance Carriers
Global Commercial Printing
Global Paper & Pulp Mills

1. Global Respiratory Ventilator Manufacturing

2022-2023 Revenue Growth: -16.4%

Products produced by the Global Respiratory Ventilator Manufacturing industry have long been a staple of the global healthcare sector. Demand for ventilators has historically been stable since they are a life-saving device for patients with limited breathing function. While hospitals do not usually need a significant number of ventilators, the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has caused demand for ventilators to skyrocket in 2020. Patients with severe coronavirus symptoms often need to be ventilated because their lungs become so inflamed that they are unable to provide the body with enough oxygen.

2. Global Iron Ore Mining

2022-2023 Revenue Growth: -14.7%

The Global Iron Ore Mining industry’s financial performance has been strong over the five years to 2021. Industry revenue is a function of global demand conditions, and volatility in the world price of iron ore during the period has led to several years of double-digit rises. Due to a slight decrease in global production and increasing demand, industry revenue is projected to increase an annualized 20.1% to $374.6 billion over the five years to 2021, including an estimated rise of 40.8% in 2021 alone.

3. Global Coal Mining

2022-2023 Revenue Growth: -3.6%

Coal mined by the Global Coal Mining industry plays a vital role in the world’s ability to generate electricity and manufacture steel. Coal’s position in global electricity markets stems from its relative accessibility, affordability and distribution across the globe. The world’s largest coal producers are China, the United States and India, with these countries expected to retain their positions for the foreseeable future. Industry revenue is a function of global production of industry products alongside global coal prices, with prices being closely tied to global economic conditions.

4. Global Computer Hardware Manufacturing

2022-2023 Revenue Growth: -3.5%

The Global Computer Hardware Manufacturing industry produces a range of products, including desktop and laptop personal computers (PCs), computer peripherals and storage devices. Over the five years to 2021, competing trends have defined the industry’s performance. Growing competition from tablet devices and mobile phones has eroded demand for traditional PCs worldwide, culminating in a decline in PC shipments globally over the past five years. Furthermore, price competition has limited manufacturers’ revenue potential.

5. Global Newspaper Publishing

2022-2023 Revenue Growth: -3.3%

The Global Newspaper Publishing industry has endured rising external competition from digital media, which has lowered the industry’s revenue base over the five years to 2021. The explosion of online news outlets, fueled by the rapid adoption of mobile devices and high-speed internet, has attracted a greater share of advertising spending, which until recently was the industry’s primary revenue stream. Readers are also opting for free articles that have been able to capture younger demographics, particularly in mature economies.

6. Global Magazine Publishing

2022-2023 Revenue Growth: -2.8%

The Global Magazine Publishing industry has struggled to adapt to the challenges and opportunities presented by digital disruption and economic shifts over the five years to 2021. While there is no shortage of consumer demand for magazines’ core offerings of news and information, the proliferation of new forms of media, with many available online and for free, has threatened the traditional position of magazines. In addition to competition from online media, industry operators have struggled to adopt successful digital monetization strategies.

7. Global Footwear Manufacturing

2022-2023 Revenue Growth: 0.1%

Operators in the Global Footwear Manufacturing industry have experienced revenue growth in recent years; industry revenue is expected to increase an annualized 1.0% to $235.1 billion over the five years to 2022. The current period has been most largely characterized by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and its effect on global economic activity. The spread of the coronavirus in early 2020 led to declining global consumer sentiment, reducing demand for new footwear. Improving economic conditions and alleviating pandemic concerns following vaccine distribution tempered these effects, enabling consumers to release pent-up demand for footwear, leading to an industry recovery.

8. Global Life & Health Insurance Carriers

2022-2023 Revenue Growth: 0.1%

The Global Life and Health Insurance Carriers industry has decreased over the five years to 2021 despite growth in global demand for insurance products. The industry provides crucial risk management services to downstream consumers and is a vital part of the financial sector, particularly with respect to the industry’s massive asset holdings. Industry operators protect individuals from current, immediate and long-term costs arising from illness, injury and death. Life and health insurers provide protection at a fraction of the potential loss by merging various risks.

9. Global Commercial Printing

2022-2023 Revenue Growth: 0.7%

Over the five years to 2022, revenue for the Global Commercial Printing industry has endured a contraction, with poor performance in the world’s developed markets counteracted by growth in developing markets, though ultimately not enough to offset the industry’s trend of decline. Developed markets have contended with high levels of market saturation and an increased preference among consumers for digital media, which has cut into demand for publishing, a key downstream industry for printers. Further, online adoption and new technologies such as smartphones and tablet devices have constrained potential gains and diminished profitability.

10. Global Paper & Pulp Mills

2022-2023 Revenue Growth: 1.3%

Operators in the Global Paper and Pulp Mills industry produce a variety of pulp and paper products that are then sold to manufacturers of various paper goods across the world. Goods such as paper packaging are ubiquitous across the world for use in facilitating the transfer of goods. The increased digitization of the global economy and growth in internet usage across the globe have cut into demand for newsprint and other forms of paper.

Source from lbisworld

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