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Freight Market Update: December 15, 2022


Ocean freight market update

China – North America

  • Rate changes: The rates of most routes remain at low levels.
  • Market changes: With the low demand for TPEB routes, the congestions at ports and railways have improved, compared with the congestion spike in summer.
  • Recommendation: Book your freight at least 2 weeks prior to the cargo ready date (CRD).

China – European

  • Rate changes: The rising demand does not seem to elevate the rates in the freight market.
  • Market changes: The space is basically sufficient. Some lines are operating with empty loads.
  • Recommendation: Set a time buffer when planning your shipments.

Air freight/express market update

China –America/ European

  • Rate changes:The freight rates of Electronics Express (Premium) and Express via JYC (Standard) decreased. The freight rates of Freight via JL (Economy) increased.
  • Cargo types: EMS via JY (Economy) shipping lines bound for Poland and Argentina have reduced their maximum weight from 30KG to 20KG; Ocean + Delivery US (Economy) can ship general goods, charged products, products with a weak magnetic field, prepackaged tea, prepackaged liquid cosmetics without alcohol content under 100ml per unit, prepackaged powder-based cosmetics, (compliant) kitchen knives, non-sensitive adult products, automotive lighting products, etc.
  • New services available:Electronics Parcels (Economy) can ship to Mexico, Canada and the United Kingdom.

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