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Freight Market Update: December 30, 2022

freight market

Ocean freight market update

China – North America

  • Rate changes: The freight rates of most trade routes remain at low levels.
  • Market changes: The rates of freight bound for East America continued to decline, while the rates of freight bound for West America showed signs of stabilization. Many ocean freight carriers announced blank sailing programs to cope with the demand drop brought by the Chinese New Year. With the low demand for TPEB routes, the congestions at ports and railways have improved.
  • Recommendation: Book your freight at least 2 weeks prior to the cargo ready date (CRD).

China – European

  • Rate changes: The rising demand does not seem to elevate the rates in the freight market. However, the downward curve has flattened.
  • Market changes: A rising demand and blank sailing programs have made the freight market under-supplied.
  • Recommendation: Set a time buffer when planning your shipments.

Air freight/Express market update

China –America/ European

  • Rate changes:The freight rates of Express via JY (Premium) decreased (due to lowered fuel surcharges).
  • Restrictions changes: For Electronics Parcels (Standard), Electronics Parcels (Economy), Parcels (Standard), and Parcels (Economy): A 9-digit ZIP code must be provided for small packages shipping to the United States, in the format of 12345-1234.

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