होम » उत्पाद सोर्सिंग » रसायन और प्लास्टिक » 35 रसायनों को यूरोपीय संघ के पीआईसी विनियमन में जोड़ा गया
महिला वैज्ञानिक रंगीन रसायनों को ट्यूब में भरती हुई

35 रसायनों को यूरोपीय संघ के पीआईसी विनियमन में जोड़ा गया

25 अगस्त, 2023 को, यूरोपीय आयोग ने विनियमन (ईयू) संख्या 2023/1656 में संशोधन करते हुए आयोग प्रत्यायोजित विनियमन (ईयू) 649/2012 प्रकाशित किया।

35 chemicals – 27 pesticides and 8 industrial chemicals – were added. Currently, there are 295 entries in the Annex I.

The amendments will come into force from November 1, 2023.

The following entries are added:

सीरीयल नम्बर।रसायनCAS संख्या।ईसी नं.CN Code
1‘1-bromopropane (n-propyl bromide)106-94-5203-445-0ex 2903 69 19
21,2-बेंजीनडाइकार्बोक्सिलिक एसिड, di-C6-8-branched alkyl esters, C7-rich71888-89-6276-158-1ex 2917 34 00
31,2-बेंजीनडाइकार्बोक्सिलिक एसिड, डी-सी 7-11-ब्रांकेड और रैखिक एल्काइल एस्टर68515-42-4271-084-6ex 2917 34 00
41,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dipentyl ester, branched और रैखिक84777-06-0284-032-2ex 2917 34 00
5अल्फा-cypermethrin67375-30-8 ex 2926 90 70
6अज़ीम्सल्फ्यूरोन120162-55-2 ex 2935 90 90
7बिस (2-मेथॉक्सीएथिल) फोथलेट117-82-8204-212-6ex 2917 34 00
8Bromadiolone28772-56-7249-205-9ex 2932 20 90
9Carbetamide16118-49-3240-286-6ex 2924 29 70
10कार्बोक्सिन5234-68-4226-031-1ex 2934 99 90
11Chlorophene120-32-1204-385-8ex 2908 19 00
12साइप्रोकोनाजोल94361-06-5 ex 2933 99 80
13डायसोपेंटाइल फ़ेथलेट605-50-5210-088-4ex 2917 34 00
14डिपेन्टाइल फ़थैलेट131-18-0205-017-9ex 2917 34 00
15Diuron330-54-1206-354-4ex 2924 21 00
16एस्बियोथ्रिन260359-57-7 ex 2916 20 00
17Ethametsulfuron मिथाइल97780-06-8 ex 2935 90 90
18एट्रिडियाज़ोल2593-15-9219-991-8ex 2934 99 90
19Famoxadone131807-57-3 ex 2934 99 90
20Fenbuconazole114369-43-6406-140-2ex 2933 99 80
21Fenoxycarb72490-01-8276-696-7ex 2924 29 70
22Fluquinconazole136426-54-5411-960-9ex 2933 59 95
23इंडोक्साकार्ब173584-44-6144171-61-9 ex 2934 99 90
24Isopyrazam881685-58-1 ex 2933 19 90
25Lufenuron103055-07-8410-690-9ex 2924 21 00
26Metam-sodium137-42-8205-293-0ex 2930 20 00
27Metosulam139528-85-1410-240-1ex 2935 90 30
28माइकोबुटानिल88671-89-0410-400-0ex 2933 99 80
29n-pentyl-isopentyl phthalate776297-69-9 ex 2917 34 00
30पेन्सीक्यूरोन66063-05-6266-096-3ex 2924 21 00
31Phosmet732-11-6211-987-4ex 2930 90 98
32Prochloraz67747-09-5266-994-5ex 2933 29 90
33Profoxydim139001-49-3 ex 2934 99 90
34स्पिरोडीक्लोफेन148477-71-8 ex 2932 20 90
35Triflumizole68694-11-1 ex 2933 29 90

Understanding PIC

The Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Regulation governs the trade of certain hazardous chemicals that are banned or severely restricted in the EU. It places obligations on companies that wish to export these chemicals to non-EU countries or import them into the EU. PIC implements the Rotterdam Convention within the EU. It promotes shared responsibility and cooperation in the international trade of hazardous chemicals. It also protects human health and the environment by providing importing countries with information on how to store, transport, use, and dispose of hazardous chemicals safely. The PIC Regulation has been in force since March 1, 2014.

Annex I of the PIC Regulation listed chemicals that are banned or severely restricted, including:

  • Active substances in pesticides or in biocidal products such as disinfectants, insecticides or parasiticides;
  • Industrial chemicals; and
  • Chemicals that are banned for export from the EU and listed in Annex V to the PIC Regulation

Notifying exports and receiving export permission

Companies intending to export chemicals listed in PIC to non-EU countries, need to notify their intention to export and get permission for export before exporting.

Obligation of reporting

Each year, importers and exporters of PIC chemicals need to send information on the exact quantities of the chemical shipped to or from each non-EU country in the preceding year to the designated national authorities.

PIC actors in the EU

pic actors in the eu

स्रोत द्वारा www.cirs-group.com

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