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Solar Module & Inverter

दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी सोलर मॉड्यूल और इन्वर्टर खरीद प्रक्रिया पूरी हुई

POWERCHINA completes its 102 GW tender, attracting 83 companies

चाबी छीन लेना

  • POWERCHINA has completed its 51 GW solar module and 51 GW inverter tender  
  • It had sought to lock in this supply to meet its requirements for projects in 2025 
  • For the 51 GW module tender, 58 companies participated, while 25 bidders entered the inverter bid fray 

Chinese energy projects developer POWERCHINA has concluded what is easily the world’s largest solar module and inverter procurement process to date, locking in the supply of 102 GW of these components. It plans to deploy this capacity for its projects scheduled in 2025.  

The engineering giant had sought a 51 GW supply each of modules and inverters in November 2024 (देखना 51 GW: World’s Largest Ever Solar Module & Inverter Bid).  

According to the results shared by various local media outlets, for solar modules, the tender attracted bids from 58 module manufacturers. Bids were invited for 3 categories. These received the following results:  

  • 12 GW n-type TOPCon monocrystalline solar modules under the Investment construction project section received bids prices ranging from RMB 0.62/W to RMB 0.75/W ($0.085/W to $0.103/W) with an average of RMB 0.679/W ($0.093/W) 
  • 36 GW of n-type TOPCon monocrystalline silicon modules under the engineering contracting projects section attracted bid prices in the range of RMB 0.62/W to RMB 0.76/W ($0.085/W to $0.104/W), with an average of RMB 0.677/W ($0.093/W) 
  • 3 GW n-type HJT monocrystalline silicon modules section brought in bid prices between RMB 0.74/W and RMB 0.807/W ($0.102/W and $0.111/W), with an average bid of RMB 0.764/W ($0.105/W) 

For the sake of comparison, in the latest TaiyangNews PV Price Index, the average price for TOPCon bifacial n-type 182mm 72 cells (580W to 590 W) module is RMB 0.70/W, and that of TOPCon bifacial n-type 210mm, 60-cell module is RMB 0.71/W. For a 210mm HJT module with 615 W to 635 W output, the average price is RMB 0.75/W (देखना TaiyangNews PV Price Index – 2024 – CW50).   

As for POWERCHINA’s 51 GW solar inverter tender, a total of 25 companies participated with the winning bids for the various categories. According to local media PVmen, the project is divided into 4 sections with price as follows: 

  • खंड 1: Procures 12 GW of container inverters with a power rating of over 3,125 kW. Specific bidding prices for Section 1 were not disclosed 
  • Section 2 and Section 3: Procure a total of 33 GW (8 GW + 25 GW) of string inverters with power ratings above 300kW. These sections bidding prices ranging from RMB 0.084/W to RMB 0.18/W ($0.012/W to $0.025/W). The average price for these sections has dropped to approximately RMB 0.096/W($0.014/W) 
  • खंड 4: Procures 6 GW of string inverters with power ratings between 10 and 150kW. Due to the smaller specifications of the inverters, prices were higher, with all bids exceeding RMB 0.1/W ($0.014/W). Notably, 3 companies quoted prices exceeding RMB 0.15/W($0.021/W) 

POWERCHINA specifies that its subsidiaries will now select module and inverter suppliers from these shortlisted entities by entering negotiations to arrive at final prices within the ranges determined.

स्रोत द्वारा ताइयांग समाचार

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