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WEF Report Finds Energy Transition Momentum Slowing Amid Rising Global Volatility

The global energy transition has lost momentum in the face of increasing uncertainty worldwide, according to a new World Economic Forum (WEF) report. While 107 of the 120 countries benchmarked in the report demonstrated progress on their energy transition journeys in the past decade, the overall pace of the transition has slowed and balancing its different facets remains a key challenge.

Economic volatility, heightened geopolitical tensions and technological shifts have all had an impact, complicating its speed and trajectory. There is, however, some reason for optimism, according to the report, with increasing global investments in renewables and significant growth in energy transition performance in sub-Saharan Africa over the past decade.

14th annual edition of the Forum’s report, Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2024, published in collaboration with Accenture, uses the Energy Transition Index (ETI) to benchmark 120 countries on the performance of their current energy systems, with a focus on balancing equity, environmental sustainability and energy security, and on their transition-readiness. New this year to the report are “tailored pathways” for analyzing country-specific characteristics, including income level and local energy resources, to provide region-specific recommendations.

energy transition index 2024 top 20 countries

ETI 2024 Scores. Europe continues to lead the ETI rankings, with the top 10 list for 2024 fully composed of countries from that region. Sweden (1) and Denmark (2) top the rankings, having both placed in the top three countries each year for the past decade. They are followed by Finland (3), Switzerland (4) and France (5). These countries benefit from high political commitment, strong investments in research and development, expanded clean energy adoption—accelerated by the regional geopolitical situation, energy-efficiency policies and carbon pricing. France is a new entrant in the top five, with recent energy-efficiency measures reducing energy intensity in the past year.

G20 경제국 중 독일(11), 브라질(12), 영국(13), 중국(17), 미국(19)이 프랑스와 함께 ETI 상위 20위권에 들었고, 새로 진입한 라트비아(15), 칠레도 있습니다. (20), 이는 재생에너지 용량의 증가로 인해 부양되었습니다.

중국과 브라질은 주로 청정에너지 비중을 늘리고 전력망 신뢰성을 향상시키려는 장기적인 노력에 힘입어 최근 몇 년간 상당한 발전을 이루었습니다. 수력 발전과 바이오 연료에 대한 브라질의 지속적인 노력, 태양 에너지 분야의 최근 발전, 새로운 기회 창출을 위한 맞춤형 계획 등이 투자 유치의 핵심이었습니다. 2023년에 중국은 재생에너지 용량을 대폭 확대하고 전기 자동차용 배터리, 태양광 패널, 풍력 터빈 및 기타 핵심 기술과 같은 청정 기술의 제조 능력을 지속적으로 성장시키고 투자했습니다. 중국은 미국, 인도와 함께 새로운 에너지 솔루션과 기술 개발에도 앞장서고 있다.

The gap in overall ETI scores has narrowed between advanced and developing economies and the “center of gravity” of the transition is moving to developing countries. However, clean energy investment continues to be concentrated in advanced economies and China. This underscores the need for financial support from advanced nations to facilitate an equitable energy transition in emerging and developing nations and forward-thinking policy-making in all nations to foster truly conducive investment conditions, WEF says. As no universal solution exists, policies could be tailored to each country’s unique needs, based on factors such as income level, national energy resources and needs, as well as regional context.

Top 20 Countries in ETI 2024. Global average ETI scores reached a record high. However, the slowdown in the pace of the global energy transition, first identified in 2022, has intensified in the past year. The 2024 report shows that the three-year improvement in global ETI scores between 2021-2024 is almost four times less than the upswing over the 2018-2021 period. Furthermore, the report indicates that 83% of countries achieved lower scores than last year on at least one of the primary performance dimensions of the energy transition: sustainability, equity and security.

파리 협정에서 요구하는 대로 2050년까지 순 제로 야망을 달성하고 지구 온난화를 1.5C 이하로 유지하기 위한 목표는 세계가 아직 궤도에 오르지 못한 반면, 에너지 효율 면에서는 눈에 띄는 진전이 있었고, 청정 에너지 원. 최근 몇 년간 에너지 가격 상승으로 인한 에너지 형평성 저하로 인해 에너지 전환 모멘텀이 둔화되었습니다. 에너지 안보는 지정학적 긴장으로 인해 계속 시험받고 있습니다.

혁신은 에너지 전환을 가능하게 하는 핵심 요소이며 비용을 절감하고, 핵심 기술을 확장하고, 인력을 갱신 및 재교육하고, 투자를 유치할 수 있습니다. 최근 혁신 진행 속도가 둔화되고 2023년 글로벌 스타트업 투자가 감소함에도 불구하고 새로운 보고서에 따르면 혁신이 가속화되는 영역이 있습니다.

Digital innovations, including generative AI, offer significant opportunities to fill this gap and reinvent the energy industry by enhancing productivity. Generative AI’s ability to analyze vast quantities of data can provide innovative forecasts and solutions, or streamline existing operations to increase efficiencies, among other benefits. However, to fully realize this potential, it will be crucial to responsibly and equitably address the risks and challenges posed by these technologies.

The Energy Transition Index provides a data-driven framework to foster understanding of the performance and readiness of global energy systems for the transition. The ETI covers 120 countries in terms of their current energy system performance and transition-readiness and countries are scored across 46 indicators. These countries are selected based on the availability of consistent indicator data at respective sources for more than a minimum number of indicators in each dimension of the index. System performance is equally weighted across equity, security and sustainability.

Transition-readiness is split into two groups: core enablers and enabling factors. Core enablers include regulations and political commitment, and finance and investment. Enabling factors include innovation, infrastructure, and education and human capital. A country’s final ETI score is a composite of its scores on the two sub-indices of system performance and transition-readiness, weighted at 60% and 40% respectively.

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