홈페이지 » 운송 » 인사이트 » Chovm.com 물류 마켓플레이스: 포워더와 연결하는 3가지 새로운 기능
Chovm.com Logistics Marketplace 홈페이지에 새로운 기능 3가지가 표시됨

Chovm.com 물류 마켓플레이스: 포워더와 연결하는 3가지 새로운 기능

The days of B2B buyers painstakingly riffling through local directories or roaming trade shows to find reliable 화물 운송업자 are gone. With the introduction of Chovm.com 물류 마켓플레이스, buyers can now find comprehensive, cost-effective logistics solutions from leading international forwarders with just a click of a button.

Here is how the search process works in Chovm.com 물류 마켓플레이스:

  • Buyers simply select their country of origin, the destination country, and, if available, additional details like the weight and size of the package or mode of transport.
  • Immediately, a list of hundreds of potential forwarders pops up.
  • Buyers can then initiate real-time conversations with the forwarders through the chat button.
Initiating a real-time conversation with a forwarder using the chat button

To make the search for logistics services even more efficient and effortless for buyers, Chovm.com 물류 마켓플레이스 introduced three new features:

  1. ‘Send inquiry’: Buyers can send an inquiry to a forwarder about a specific logistics solution and anticipate the forwarder to initiate contact.
  2. ‘Logistics RFQ’: Buyers can submit their logistics requests and receive customized quotes from multiple forwarders, eliminating the need to communicate with service providers one by one.
  3. ‘Logistics consultation service’: If a buyer is unsure which forwarder to choose, this service will connect them with one of Chovm.com’s recommended forwarders.

Continue reading to get a comprehensive understanding of these features and, most importantly, learn how to use them to connect with the right freight forwarders!

Send inquiry: effortless contact with freight forwarders
Logistics RFQ: procuring fast custom quotes
Logistics consultation service: expertise at your fingertips
It’s time to act: freight forwarders are a click away

Send inquiry: effortless contact with freight forwarders

What is ‘Send inquiry’?

'문의’ feature gives buyers a fast and easy way to express interest in a particular logistics solution without initiating a chat conversation. Instead, buyers can anticipate the forwarder to initiate contact and request further details.

How to send a logistics inquiry?

Buyers can send a logistics inquiry in three simple steps:

  1. Log in to your buyer account: 액세스 Chovm.com account by logging in to the 웹 사이트 또는를 통해 모바일 앱.
  2. Search for logistics solutions: 찾아보기 Chovm.com 물류 마켓플레이스 or use the quote lookup tool to find the right logistics service. Buyers can refine their search with details such as the origin and destination, transport mode, and the weight and size of their goods.
Searching for logistics solutions using the quote lookup tool

  1. Select a logistics solution: 
  • If browsing: Select the solution that interests you to see its details page, then click ‘문의. ' 
Sending inquiry through the logistics solution details page

  • If using the lookup tool: Simply click the ‘문의‘ button directly on the search results page that lists the forwarders.
Sending inquiry to forwarders on the search results page

What happens after sending a logistics inquiry?

After submitting a logistics inquiry, the freight forwarder is immediately notified and will contact you via chat to discuss further details. Here is a breakdown of how to access and manage all of your sent inquiries:

  1. Position your cursor over the “Inquiry sent” icon and a prompt message will be displayed. By clicking on the “LINK” button within this message, you will be directed to a comprehensive list of all your sent inquiries. Alternatively, you can use this 직접 링크 목록에 액세스합니다.
Accessing the list of all submitted logistics inquiries

  1. The inquiry list page displays all your sent inquiries, ordered from the most recent to the oldest. On this page, you have options to:
  • View a forwarder’s profile by clicking on their name, allowing you to evaluate their logistics services.
  • Initiate direct communication with a forwarder via chat to provide them with any additional details or to clarify your inquiry.
  • If, for any reason, you decide to cancel a submitted inquiry, you can remove it from the list by selecting the “."옵션.
Managing the list of all submitted logistics inquiries

What are some tips for using the ‘Send inquiry’ feature?

Here are three golden tips for using the ‘문의 보내기’ feature effectively:

  • 인내심을 가지세요: Remember, the forwarder you contacted might not be in the same part of the world as you, working the same hours. Look at their profile to see how quickly they typically respond to buyers and allow them enough time to reach out to you.
The average response time of a freight forwarder displayed on their profile page

  • Look at different options: Don’t hesitate to send an inquiry to various forwarders. This lets you see who offers the best logistics services and rates. 
  • Keep track of communication: Make sure to keep a record of all your online conversations with forwarders. If there’s any confusion or disagreements later, you can look back at what was said.

Logistics RFQ: procuring fast custom quotes

What is ‘Logistics RFQ’?

Just as buyers send RFQ (Requests for Quotation) with product specifications to inquire about prices and delivery deadlines from vendors, the ‘Logistics RFQ’ feature lets buyers easily submit information about their shipping requirements and receive precise, competitive quotes from a vast network of experienced freight forwarders.

How to access the RFQ feature?

Buyers can quickly access the ‘Logistics RFQ’ feature with two simple steps:

  1. 계정에 로그인: First, ensure you’re logged into your account on Chovm.com.
  2. Find the RFQ feature: After logging in, go to the main page of Chovm.com 물류 마켓플레이스 그리고 'RFQ‘ tab. Here, you’ll see two options:
  • ‘Post Now’: Click this to start a new logistics RFQ.
  • ‘View my RFQs’: Click this to see and manage your submitted RFQs.
Accessing the logistics RFQ feature on Chovm.com Logistics Marketplace

How to submit a logistics RFQ?

Submitting a logistics RFQ through the Chovm.com 물류 마켓플레이스 is as straightforward as placing an online order for a product. Below, you’ll find the complete process simplified into five simple steps:

1. Initiate the RFQ

  • '지금 게시하기‘ to start a new logistics RFQ.

2. Choose your service type

  • 고르다 '느슨한 화물'또는'컨테이너‘ based on your shipping requirements. This choice will guide what information you’ll need to provide and what type of quote you’ll receive from forwarders.
Choosing Loose Cargo or Container as a service type

3. Enter the shipping details

  • 출발지와 도착지: Specify the origin and destination addresses of your shipment. City or province names are acceptable if you don’t have the complete addresses.
  • 세부 사양: 
  • Detail any additional information such as the goods being shipped, expected delivery date, and other requirements. Provide all necessary details and DG (Dangerous Goods) classifications if your shipment includes 유해 물질.
  • If you require additional services like insurance, customs clearance, or storage, indicate this in the provided fields.
Entering the shipping information of the goods and their detailed specifications

  • For the ‘컨테이너‘ service, list the type and quantity of containers you need.
Entering the type and quantity of containers

  • If you’re using the ‘느슨한 화물‘ service and uncertain about the precise dimensions (including packaging) for each product, provide a rough estimate of package size and weight for your entire shipment. This isn’t mandatory, but it helps to get more accurate quotes.
Entering the dimensions and weight of the shipped package

4. Provide optional additional information

  • Optionally, upload any supporting documents or videos that could clarify your shipments, such as 상업 송장, packing lists, or specific handling instructions.
Uploading materials to help forwarders better understand the logistics RFQ

5. Submit your RFQ

  • Double-check all details entered for accuracy.
  • '문의하기‘ to send your logistics RFQ to Chovm.com’s vast network of forwarders.
  • A confirmation page will show up confirming your submission, along with your unique RFQ order number.
Confirmation page displaying the unique ID of the logistics RFQ order

How to manage all the submitted logistics RFQs?

After sending a dozen RFQs, the process might become cluttered, and buyers would need a way to organize all their RFQs efficiently. Below is a guide on how you can view and manage all the RFQs you’ve submitted through your Chovm.com account dashboard:

  1. 'View my RFQs‘ to see all the RFQs you’ve sent. You can also 여기를 클릭하세요 직접 액세스 할 수 있습니다.
  2. On the RFQs list, you can sort them with the ID number or check their status:
  • ‘To be quoted’: You’ve made an RFQ request but haven’t gotten any quotes yet.
  • ‘Quote provided’: Forwarders have started sending you quotes for your RFQ request.
  • ‘All quotes provided’: Your RFQ request has received the maximum amount of quotes allowed (10 quotes per request).
  • ‘Request closed’: You’ve closed the RFQ request, and it’s no longer accepting quotes.
  1. Check the box next to the filter tab to see only the RFQs with new quotes.
Filtering RFQ requests by their ID number and status

How to view and compare logistics quotes?

Now that you have learned how to send multiple RFQs and how to manage and filter them via the dashboard, let us explore how to view and compare quotes once you begin receiving offers from forwarders on your RFQs. Here is how to do that in 4 steps:

  1. Receiving quote alerts: When forwarders submit a new quote to one of your RFQs, you will receive an email notification. 
  2. Identifying your RFQ: To locate the specific RFQ, use the ID search and filtering options provided on the dashboard. After identifying the RFQ, click “세부 정보보기” for more details about the quote.
  3. Choosing a forwarder:
  • First, assess the quotes by comparing price, transit time, and forwarder ratings.
  • Secondly, select the quote that thoroughly meets your logistics needs.
  • Lastly, for further inquiries or clarifications, you can have a real-time conversation with the forwarder using the “지금 채팅"버튼을 누릅니다.
Assessing the quotes received from freight forwarders

  1. Confirming the shipment: Once you decide to proceed with a chosen forwarder, the final step involves communicating and finalizing the details of your shipment. The forwarder will then create a logistics order for you, and you will be notified of this action via email.

Logistics consultation service: expertise at your fingertips

What is a ‘Logistics consultation service’?

The third and final feature, ‘Logistics consultation,’ connects buyers to one of Chovm.com’s recommended and verified forwarders, eliminating the hassle of sending inquiries or comparing multiple quotes. Buyers simply provide details about their logistics requirements and are referred to the most suitable forwarders.

How to access the logistics consultation service?

To access the ‘Logistics consultation service,’ simply follow these two steps:

  1. 계정에 로그인: First, make sure you’re signed into your account on Chovm.com.
Locating the consultation service on Chovm.com Logistics Marketplace

  1. Find the consultation service: After signing in, go to the Chovm.com 물류 마켓플레이스 homepage and click on the ‘Logistics consultation‘ tab. You’ll see two options:
  • ‘Chat now’: Click this to start a conversation with an online agent who will connect you with a forwarder suited to your specific logistics needs.
  • ‘View more’: Click this to see an example message of how you might describe your logistics needs to the online agent.
An example of how to describe logistics needs to the online agent

It’s time to act: freight forwarders are a click away

With these three new features, B2B buyers can now find qualified freight forwarders who offer customized logistics solutions with just a few mouse clicks. What are you waiting for? Visit Chovm.com 물류 마켓플레이스 and get a free, customized quote tailored to your specific logistics needs.

Should you need assistance with any of these features or encounter issues while using them, don’t hesitate to reach out to Chovm.com’s 고객 지원 센터 for assistance. You’ll get round-the-clock support from our logistics experts!

경쟁력 있는 가격, 완벽한 가시성, 쉽게 접근 가능한 고객 지원을 갖춘 물류 솔루션을 찾고 계신가요? Chovm.com 물류 마켓플레이스 .

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