Hyundai Unveils New Ioniq 9 All-Electric SUV
Hyundai Motor Company this week unveiled its all-new, battery-powered Ioniq 9, this follows the release of teaser images of the vehicle.
Hyundai Motor Company this week unveiled its all-new, battery-powered Ioniq 9, this follows the release of teaser images of the vehicle.
China’s Xiaomi has raised its EV delivery target for the third time this year, aiming for 130,000 units by the end of 2024.
Xiaomi Increases EV Delivery Target to 130,000 Units Amid Surging Demand 자세히보기»
The global battery electric vehicle (BEV) market has faced numerous challenges, and Europe is no exception, reports GlobalData.
The Impact of EV Incentives on European Automotive Sales: A Comparative Analysis 자세히보기»
Goodyear has launched its latest innovation, the ElectricDrive Sustainable-Material (EDS) Tire, at the International Import Expo (CIIE).
Year-to-date (YTD) sales remain broadly flat (+0.1%) in comparison to the previous year.
Toyota and NTT have committed to a research and development investment of $3.26bn for artificial intelligence (AI) in self-driving cars
Toyota, NTT Announce $3.3bn R&D Investment to Advance AI in Self-Driving Cars 자세히보기»
The EV business’s challenging economics led to the project’s termination.
Apple Reportedly Partnered With China’s BYD To Develop Long-Range EV Battery 자세히보기»
Honda outlines new tech for upcoming 0-Series ZEVs.
Honda Introduces New Technologies for Its 0-Series EVs 자세히보기»
According to GlobalData, the Western European car market is now flat in comparison to last year (+0.3%).
Globaldata European Car Market Forecast Flat After September Drop 자세히보기»