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중국 모듈 가격, 새로운 기록적 최저치로 하락

중국 모듈 가격, 새로운 최저 기록으로 하락, 제조업체 생산 감소

새로운 주간 업데이트에서 pv 잡지다우존스 산하 기업인 OPIS는 글로벌 PV 산업의 주요 가격 동향을 간략하게 보여줍니다.

China Module Prices in 2023

The Chinese Module Marker (CMM), the OPIS benchmark assessment for mono PERC modules from China, was assessed at $0.123 per W, down $0.003/W week on week, while TOPCon module prices fell $0.004/W to $0.131/W. These new record lows come amid muted year-end demand as module makers cut production.

Prices in China have seen particular declines. While most tier-1 players – including a top 5 solar major – generally offer modules at around the CNY1 ($0.14)/W mark, some sellers lowered prices past that psychologically significant threshold. PERC modules have been offered as low as CNY0.72 ($0.10), multiple manufacturers said.

China Module Prices in 2023

The winter season is a “weaker period of the year, hence, lower demand,” a solar market veteran said. China’s module makers are trying to clear their inventories, according to a module seller, during this off-season. Before their fiscal year closes in December, Chinese companies are attempting to sell stock and “bump up their revenues,” a different veteran said.

Operating rates are falling in this oversupplied environment. Some medium-sized solar factories are already closing for a break, according to a module maker. Factories in China usually only break during the Spring Festival, and a break now two months ahead of that holiday suggests that “factories don’t have orders,” the module maker said. Module factory operating rates are said to be 50-60%, according to an experienced market observer.

Low prices continue to be on the horizon as 2023 ends and in the year to come. 2024 will be a challenging year, according to a major solar developer. Low prices will persist for a time, with the industry gradually starting to stabilize in 2025 and then recover, the developer said.

다우존스 계열사인 OPIS는 가솔린, 디젤, 제트 연료, LPG/NGL, 석탄, 금속, 화학 물질, 재생 연료 및 환경 상품에 대한 에너지 가격, 뉴스, 데이터 및 분석을 제공합니다. 2022년에 싱가포르 태양광 거래소에서 가격 데이터 자산을 인수했으며 현재 OPIS APAC 태양광 주간 보고서를 발행하고 있습니다.

이 기사에 표현 된 견해와 의견은 저자 자신의 것이며, pv 잡지.

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출처 pv 잡지

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