해상화물 시장 업데이트
중국 – 북미
- 요금 변경: The peak season surcharge (PSS) and general rate increase (GRI) of Transpacific Eastbound (TPEB) are expected to increase.
- 시장 변화: Congestions have been seen at major US sea ports and rail hubs, increasing the dwell times at Houston and Los Angeles/Long Beach. In Canada, port congestions and delays have been worsening.
- 권장 사항 : Book your freight at least 2 weeks prior to the cargo ready date (CRD).
- 요금 변경: Freight rates are decreasing as a result of reduced demand.
- 시장 변화: Space is readily available but schedule reliability is affected. European ports are struggling under severe delays. This situation also causes longer lead times for shipping vessels to return to Asia.
- 권장 사항 : Set a buffer time when planning your shipments.
항공화물/익스프레스 시장 업데이트
China –America
- 요금 변경: The peak season surcharge (PSS) of Air Charter Express US (Premium) increased, and the general rate increase (GRI) remains unchanged. The freight rates of Freight via JL (Economy) decreased.
- 화물 유형: The minimum weight of Electronics Parcels (Standard), Electronics Parcels (Economy), Parcels (Standard), Parcels (Economy) has lowered to 10kg (from the previous 20kg).
China –Europe
- 예상 소요 시간: For Truck+Express EU (Premium), congestions occur with Sino European Kaka Airlines due to border inspection at Polish ports, causing an estimated delay of 7-10 workdays.
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