Chovm.com의 2025년 XNUMX월 인기 신에너지 자동차 부품 및 액세서리: 전기 모터부터 충전소까지
2025년 XNUMX월 Chovm.com에서 가장 인기 있는 신에너지 자동차 부품 및 액세서리를 살펴보세요. 전기 모터부터 필수 충전소까지, 전자 상거래 매장에서 가장 많이 팔리는 품목을 찾아보세요.
Chovm.com의 2025년 XNUMX월 인기 신에너지 자동차 부품 및 액세서리: 전기 모터부터 충전소까지 자세히보기»
2025년 XNUMX월 Chovm.com에서 가장 인기 있는 신에너지 자동차 부품 및 액세서리를 살펴보세요. 전기 모터부터 필수 충전소까지, 전자 상거래 매장에서 가장 많이 팔리는 품목을 찾아보세요.
Chovm.com의 2025년 XNUMX월 인기 신에너지 자동차 부품 및 액세서리: 전기 모터부터 충전소까지 자세히보기»
Discover the thriving floor-mounted EV charging station market, key trends, product selection tips, and top models.
Comprehensive Guide to Floor-Mounted Charging Stations 자세히보기»
Toyota Motor North America (Toyota) and local energy utility Pepco are working together on vehicle-to-grid (V2G) research for battery electric vehicles (BEVs) using a Toyota bZ4X. This collaborative effort will explore bidirectional power flow technology that will allow BEV owners to not only charge their vehicle’s battery but also send…
Toyota and Pepco to Research Vehicle-To-Grid Technology in Maryland 자세히보기»
We analyzed thousands of product reviews, and here’s what we learned about the top-selling wall-mounted charging stations in the USA.
Review Analysis of Amazon’s Hottest Selling Wall-Mounted Charging Stations in the USA in 2024 자세히보기»
충전 및 전원소에 대한 2024년 확정 가이드를 살펴보세요. 유형, 현재 시장 동향, 의사 결정에 필요한 뛰어난 모델에 대해 알아보세요.
Vingroup Corporation의 회장이자 VinFast의 설립자인 Pham Nhat Vuong은 V-Green Global Charging Station Development Company(V-Green)의 설립을 발표했습니다. V-Green의 사명은 두 가지입니다. VinFast 차량을 지원하는 것을 우선시하는 포괄적인 충전 인프라 시스템 개발에 투자하고, 베트남을 세계 최고의…
Ekoenergetyka expanded its presence on the Nordic market for electric vehicle charging infrastructure with the launch of a charging system tailored for charge point operators (CPOs) in a region with some of the world’s highest EV adoption rates. Ekoenergetyka’s AXON Side 360 DLBS intelligent power unit is combined with up…
Polestar and Plugsurfing are launching a new public charging service in Europe called Polestar Charge. With more than 650,000 compatible electric car charging points, Polestar Charge gives Polestar drivers access to the largest charging networks in Europe, including the Tesla Supercharger network, IONITY, Recharge, Total, Fastned and Allego in one…
Polestar Charge, 유럽 650,000개 이상의 충전소에 대한 액세스 제공; Tesla Supercharger Network를 통합한 첫 번째 회사 자세히보기»
Voltpost, a company developing lamppost electric vehicle (EV) charging systems, announced the commercial availability of a curbside EV charging solution. The company is developing and deploying EV charging projects in major US metro areas, including New York, Chicago, Detroit and others, this spring. Voltpost retrofits lampposts into a modular and…
Voltpost Debuts Commercial Lamppost Electric Vehicle Charging Solution 자세히보기»
Available for the first time as part of its expanding product ecosystem, GM Energy’s initial offerings for residential customers will enable the use of vehicle-to-home (V2H) bidirectional charging technology to provide power from a compatible GM EV to a properly equipped home, helping to mitigate the negative impacts of weather-related…
GM Energy Rolls Out New Product Suite Offering Customers V2H 자세히보기»
ABB E-mobility and MAN Truck & Bus have demonstrated a prototype of the Megawatt Charging System (MCS); a MAN eTruck was charged with more than 700 kW and 1,000 A at an MCS charging station from ABB E-mobility. (Earlier post.) Especially in national and international long-distance transport or in loading…
ABB E-mobility and MAN Demonstrate Prototype of Megawatt Charging on the eTruck 자세히보기»
EVgo, one of the US’ largest public fast charging networks, opened its first fast charging station deployed using the company’s new prefabrication approach. Located at the Bay Colony Town Center in League City, TX, this EVgo station is the first of several slated to open this year leveraging prefabrication, which…
Learn how to start an EV charging business with this comprehensive guide. Get expert tips on equipment, regulations, and attracting customers.
i-charging, a provider of innovative electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions, announced that the blueberry CLUSTER and the blueberry PLUS which already offered power of up to 600 kW can now both be delivered with an increased power capacity of 900 kW. Both versions of the blueberry family can now be…
i-charging은 Blueberry CLUSTER 및 PLUS 전력 용량을 600kW에서 900kW로 증가시킵니다. 자세히보기»
EV DC 고속 충전소는 자동차 배터리를 직접 충전하여 충전 시간을 줄이는 동시에 에너지 효율을 높입니다. 자세한 내용은 계속 읽어보세요.