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에너지 저장 시스템

Honda Motor car and SUV dealership

Honda Unveils Demonstration Production Line for All-Solid-State Batteries

Honda Motor unveiled the demonstration production line for all-solid-state batteries, which is being developed independently by Honda toward mass production. The line was constructed on the property of Honda R&D Co., Ltd. (Sakura), located in Sakura City, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. While conducting technical verification to establish a mass production process…

Honda Unveils Demonstration Production Line for All-Solid-State Batteries 자세히보기»

에너지 저장 시스템

중국의 배터리 에너지 저장의 주요 동향

China has been an undisputed leader in the battery energy storage system deployment by a far margin. The nation more than quadrupled its battery fleet last year, which helped it surpass its 2025 target of 30 GW of operational capacity two years early. ESS News sat down with Ming-Xing Duan, secretary of the Electrical Energy Storage Alliance (EESA), to discuss the latest market trends.

중국의 배터리 에너지 저장의 주요 동향 자세히보기»

Aerial view Industrial area Maasvlakte in the Port of Rotterdam

Tackling Merchant Risk – A Deep Dive Into Europe Grid-Scale Energy Storage Contracted Revenue

Current market conditions are propelling grid-scale project deployment in a more diversified European energy storage market. Anna Darmani, principal analyst – energy storage EMEA, at Wood Mackenzie, examines revenue streams in different parts of Europe and emerging routes to the market.

Tackling Merchant Risk – A Deep Dive Into Europe Grid-Scale Energy Storage Contracted Revenue 자세히보기»

푸른 하늘에 태양광 패널이 달린 풍력 터빈

Iqony는 Green Genius, Cubico, Arise, Conrad, Manchester 등에서 풍력 및 태양열 프로젝트를 단일 단위로 묶습니다.

STEAG의 Iqony가 태양광 및 풍력 사업을 단일 사업부로 통합; Green Genius가 라트비아 프로젝트에 자금을 지원; Cubico가 이탈리아 포트폴리오를 1GW로 확장; Arise와 Finsilva가 핀란드에서 손을 잡았음; Conrad의 45MW 영국 프로젝트가 온라인; AIKO가 노르웨이 태양 전지 공급업체와 협력. Iqony의 새로운 사업부: 독일의 녹색 성장 사업부…

Iqony는 Green Genius, Cubico, Arise, Conrad, Manchester 등에서 풍력 및 태양열 프로젝트를 단일 단위로 묶습니다. 자세히보기»

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