Starting a personal business requires a great deal of attention and knowledge. While it may seem like the only knowledge you need is in the field of the business you’re about to operate in, this isn’t always the case. It is important to know what it entails to be an entrepreneur and how to go about it in 2022, especially since a lot has evolved over the years. With this in mind, this article will give you a rundown of some key things to know in order to succeed as an entrepreneur in today’s market.
기업가 정신이란 무엇입니까?
Reasons for being an entrepreneur
Types of entrepreneurship
Start-up ideas for young entrepreneurs
How to become a successful entrepreneur
Some successful entrepreneurs in history
기업가 정신이란 무엇입니까?
Entrepreneurship is the art and science of starting a business venture and risk-taking with the aim of profit-making. In this age, 처음입니다 entails more than just owning a business for profit’s sake or to attain financial success, it is more about offering solutions to human problems and social needs to make the world a better place.
기업가 is a person who undertakes the risks of starting a business. People such as Henry Ford, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and others who have brought about innovative products and ideas are perfect examples of who an entrepreneur is.
Reasons for being an entrepreneur
Here are some notable reasons to become an entrepreneur.
To make life better for humanity
Contrary to public opinion, most people want to be an entrepreneur not only to become their own boss, but to be able to meet the needs of society, which is by far the better motivation for being an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs create 새로운 제품 to solve the problems of others; they see a world of solutions and new possibilities while others see only problems and pains points.
To create jobs
Entrepreneurs not only provide solutions to the problems of others but they also create jobs while doing so. This will assist the government in raising the standard of living and improving the gross domestic product (GDP) of a country.
To bring about change
Some individuals who are not academic scholars or feel that they can’t fit into the 기업의 세계 may decide to try something different from the conventional path. Entrepreneurs seek to explore, dream and bring about innovations.
To be your boss
Some individuals who are sick and tired of being stuck in the 쥐 경주 and having to work 9 to 5 only to have two weeks of vacation may decide to become an entrepreneur. But let’s face the truth; entrepreneurship involves a lot of hard work and determination, especially at the initial stage. However, being an entrepreneur offers you much more flexibility than the corporate world does.
To attain financial success
Entrepreneurs become wealthy when they solve the needs of others. Not only do you get to be your boss, but you also attain financial success and this is the ultimate reward for being an entrepreneur.
Types of entrepreneurship
Having a basic understanding of the types of entrepreneurship and which one correlates with your principles and strength can help you make logical decisions about the future. For those who possess the entrepreneurial spirit, this list will guide you in choosing the type of entrepreneurship that will give you the greatest chance of success.
1. Small business entrepreneur
Also known as a sole proprietorship, this involves a small business administration that is managed by one person. A freelancer starting out fits this business model.
The owner finances the business using personal resources and funds while assuming all the risks of a business and the financial rewards. According to research conducted in 2020, small businesses account for about 99.9% of companies in the business world with an estimated number of 백만 개의 소규모 기업 33.7 개 에 참가할 수 없게 되었습니다.
2. Scalable start-up entrepreneurship
Scalable start-up entrepreneurship entails building a business model that meets the needs of a market with the goal of rapid expansion and huge financial success. The stories of “rags to riches” are found in this category and include the likes of Amazon, Google, and Microsoft.
Due to the huge profit margin, scalable start-up entrepreneurs aim to attract angel investors and 벤처 투자가 to help expand their business.
3. Large company entrepreneurship
This type of entrepreneurship results from an existing business model and aims to increase its customer base and keep the cash flow rolling in. Examples are the likes of Toyota and Microsoft which keep offering their customers new product variants around their product line.
A unique feature of this type of entrepreneurship is the acquisition of existing start-ups to allow the larger company to reach new markets and grow stronger.
4. Innovative entrepreneurship
Just as the name implies, an innovative entrepreneur is always seeking to bring new products and innovative ideas to the market.
Innovative entrepreneurs are always aware of the market trend so as to pioneer innovative products and creative ideas to challenge the status quo and push boundaries. The Wright brothers challenged the reality that “humans can’t fly” by inventing the airplane.
5. Social entrepreneurship.
Social entrepreneurship involves giving back to the society and enhancing economic and environmental change. Social entrepreneurs are in business with a strong vision of offering products that would solve the social needs of the world through non-profit or charitable organizations. However, social entrepreneurs make money fulfilling the core mission of the company and this differentiates them from scalable start-ups whose aim is rapid expansion.
Start-up ideas for young entrepreneurs
Having decided on the type of entrepreneur you want to become, you will find some lucrative start-up ideas below to get you started on your entrepreneurial journey.
Freelancing (copywriting)
This is probably one of the easiest and most lucrative business ventures in 2022 as the resources needed to get you started are nothing more than a mobile phone or laptop, an internet connection, and a strong determination to succeed. If writing is your passion, you can help solve the writing needs of other businesses and earn a living; this is where 카피 라이팅 들어 온다.
하락 선박
하락 선박 is an order fulfillment business model that allows an entrepreneur to outsource shipping and handling of products to a supplier (usually a wholesaler or manufacturer) whenever their 온라인 상점 makes a sale. This $15 billion industry is often dubbed one of the easiest online business models as it has a low-risk entry and you don’t need to own the products or inventory.
All you need to do is register with an e-commerce drop shipping site like Chovm drop shipping, select a product to promote on your online store and when you make a sale, the supplier ships the product to your customer. The customer pays the retail price you set and you pay the supplier the wholesale price, so you make money by connecting buyers and sellers.
제휴 마케팅
제휴 마케팅 is all about promoting other people’s ideas or products and earning a commission. Amazon affiliate, click bank and the likes are sites where you can promote a product to earn a commission. This is also an online business model and you can work from anywhere in the world.
소셜 미디어 영향 자
이 $ 6 억 산업 이상과 4.2 억 social media influencers and growing, continues to be the newest form of wealth in the 21st century. Social media influencers have the power to influence the purchasing decision of a person due to their online presence and skills. This leverage allows influencers to make money easily through sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, collaboration with brands, and webinars. Bloggers, industry leaders and celebrities are examples of social media influencers.
To become a successful social media entrepreneur, here are some tips to guide you.
1.Select a niche
2. Choose a social media platform
3. 청중 정의
4. Engage your audience with value posts
5. Consistently and strategically generate more traffic to grow your fan base
6. Network with other influencers
7. Let brands know that you’re open to collaboration.
Consulting-based businesses
As a specialist, you can offer your expertise and experience as an adviser to an individual or company. Businesses understand the essence of consulting and as of 2016, the US consulting business attained a market cap of $ 55 억.
How to be a successful entrepreneur
그것은 잘 알려진 사실입니다. 9개 기업 중 10개 기업이 실패 in the first 5 years. This implies that it takes more than just money to become a successful entrepreneur, you need to have an 기업가 정신 to sail through the murky waters of the business world.
Although each business venture requires a unique set of knowledge and skills, there are some characteristics that successful entrepreneurs have in common.
1. 열정
2. 창의력
3. Delayed gratification
4. Calculative risk-taking
5. 자기 동기 부여
6. Hunger to learn
Some successful entrepreneurs in history
헨리 포드
헨리 포드 is more of a social entrepreneur who will forever be remembered for mass-producing cars at cheap prices at a time when a car was a luxury for the rich.
He became famous and successful by fulfilling his mission: to make better, faster, and cheaper cars.
빌 게이츠 (Bill Gates)
빌 게이츠 became the youngest ever billionaire at the age of 31 by licensing Microsoft to IBM and taking the company public in 1986.
As a philanthropist, he is famous for his charitable organization, the Gates Foundation, situated in Seattle.
엘론 머스크
CEO of Tesla and PayPal, amongst other companies, 엘론 머스크 is dubbed the richest man on earth with an estimated net worth of $220 billion as of June 2022.
He is known for taking risks and is famous for his notable quote “When something is important enough, you’ll do it even if the odds of success are not in your favor”.
오프라 윈프리
오프라 윈프리 is an African-American billionaire philanthropist and host of the popular TV show “The Oprah Show”. She was a victim of rape at the age of 9 but she did not let her predicament stop her, and went on to become successful as an author, producer, and actress.
Jeff Bezos 제프 베이조스
Jeff Bezos 제프 베이조스 is an e-commerce mogul and founder of the e-commerce giant 아마존, a leading e-commerce platform in the US.
Amazon was initially a book store but is now a general store selling several kinds of consumer products throughout the world.
It is without a doubt that there is a high risk associated with being an entrepreneur and starting a business, but the rewards for being successful far outweigh the risks involved. This, along with making a positive contribution to society, justifies the reasons for being an entrepreneur. So if this is something you have always dreamt about, get out there, face your fears, and live the entrepreneurial life you’ve always wanted to!