Laman Utama » Penyumberan Produk » Tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui » Presiden AS Veto Percubaan Kongres untuk Memansuhkan Moratorium Tarif Solar; Industri Bergembira

Presiden AS Veto Percubaan Kongres untuk Memansuhkan Moratorium Tarif Solar; Industri Bergembira

  • US President has vetoed the attempts to repeal of his solar tariff moratorium by Congress
  • Biden says the 24-month bridge is necessary for the US solar manufacturing industry to grow to a level to support installations
  • The moratorium won’t be expanded beyond June 2024 as announced previously

As promised, US President Joe Biden has used his veto power to stop the repeal of his 24-month temporary time limit of imposing anti-circumvention solar tariffs on imported solar cells and modules from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, and promised not to extend the suspension beyond June 2024.

The US Congress had brought in the H.J. Res. 39 resolution to repeal the temporary pause for the tariffs.

However, Biden says since him taking office and spurred by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), 51 announcements for new and expanded solar equipment manufacturing plants have been made in the country which is ‘enough solar panel manufacturing capacity to power nearly 6 million homes’.

Since this production will not come online overnight, the stop-gap arrangement is needed to allow this growth to take place while continuing with the solar installation spree.

“The rule implements a temporary, 24-month bridge to make sure that when these new factories are operational, we have a thriving solar installation industry ready to deploy American-made solar products to homes, businesses, and communities across the Nation,” stated Biden in a kenyataan from The White House.

Industry associations have welcomed the decision. President and CEO of the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) Gregory Wetstone says it will avoid a disastrous impact on the US economy.

He opined, “The Congressional Review Act repeal passed by Congress would have changed the rules renewable developers and manufacturers rely upon, resulting in many dozens of canceled solar projects, tens of thousands of lost jobs, and a dangerous increase in carbon emissions. Thanks to the President’s veto, the US solar industry can now resume its growth as we expand our domestic manufacturing base to better meet the growing US demand for solar panels.”

Solar Energy Industries Association’s (SEIA) President and CEO Abigail Ross Hopper said the veto decision helps save livelihoods of 255,000 solar and storage workers.

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