Nama pengarang: majalah pv

Majalah pv ialah majalah perdagangan fotovoltaik terkemuka & tapak web yang dilancarkan pada musim panas 2008. Dengan pelaporan bebas berfokuskan teknologi, majalah pv memfokuskan pada berita solar terkini, serta arah aliran teknologi dan perkembangan pasaran di seluruh dunia.

majalah pv
Symbol of Hydrogen H2

New Research Estimates Average Long-Term Green Hydrogen Price at $32/MWh

New research from Norway has found that deploying around 140 GW of green hydrogen generation capacity by 2050 could make green hydrogen economically viable in Europe. Reaching this scale may help balance system costs effectively while increasing renewable integration, making green hydrogen a self-sustaining technology without subsidies, according to the scientists.

New Research Estimates Average Long-Term Green Hydrogen Price at $32/MWh Baca Lagi »

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