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Kenderaan Elektrik: Syarikat Terkemuka dalam Peranti Campuran Gas Ekzos Didedahkan

The automotive industry continues to be a hotbed of patent innovation. Activity is driven by exhaust gas mixing device innovation is fueled by strict emissions regulations, improved fuel economy, cost reduction, materials science, and computer science, leading to more efficient, durable, and affordable vehicles, and growing importance of technologies such as new technologies in exhaust gas mixing devices, such as variable-valve timing systems, cooled EGR systems, selective catalytic reduction systems, and lean-burn engines, are enhancing fuel economy and reducing emissions. Dalam tempoh tiga tahun lepas sahaja, terdapat lebih 1.7 juta paten difailkan dan diberikan dalam industri automotif, menurut laporan GlobalData mengenai Electric vehicles in automotive: exhaust gas mixing deviceBuy the report here.

Menurut GlobalData's Technology Foresights, yang menggunakan lebih satu juta paten untuk menganalisis intensiti inovasi untuk industri automotif, terdapat 300+ bidang inovasi yang akan membentuk masa depan industri.

Exhaust gas mixing device is a key innovation area in Hybrid Electric Vehicles

An exhaust gas mixing device is a system or mechanism that mixes exhaust gas and reducing agents (such as urea) to improve the performance of exhaust emission purifying systems. The mixing device can be in the form of a nozzle, a diffuser panel, a static mixer, or a multi-stage mixer, and is designed to promote mixing and improve the hydrolysis reaction of the reducing agent to reduce and purify NOx in exhaust gas.

GlobalData’s analysis also uncovers the companies at the forefront of each innovation area and assesses the potential reach and impact of their patenting activity across different applications and geographies. According to GlobalData, there are 20+ companies, spanning technology vendors, established automotive companies, and up-and-coming start-ups engaged in the development and application of exhaust gas mixing device.

Key players in exhaust gas mixing device – a disruptive innovation in the automotive industri

Jangkauan Geografi

'Kepelbagaian aplikasi' mengukur bilangan permohonan yang dikenal pasti untuk setiap paten. Ia secara amnya membahagikan syarikat kepada inovator 'niche' atau 'pelbagai'.   

'Capaian geografi' merujuk kepada bilangan negara setiap paten didaftarkan. Ia mencerminkan keluasan aplikasi geografi yang dimaksudkan, daripada 'global' hingga 'lokal'.  

Patent volumes related to exhaust gas mixing device

Sumber: Analitis Paten GlobalData

Tenneco, a leading manufacturer of automotive exhaust systems, is the highest patent filer in exhaust gas mixing device technology. The company has been granted a patent for a new exhaust gas mixing device that is designed to be more efficient, durable, and less prone to failure. The device features a new valve, sensor, and control system. Faurecia and Porsche Automobil are some other key patent filers in this space.

In terms of application diversity, Mitsubishi Motors leads the pack, while Pan Asia and Toyota Motor stood in the second and third positions, respectively. By means of geographic reach, Donaldson held the top position, followed by Pan Asia and Futaba Industrial.

To further understand the key themes and technologies disrupting the automotive industry, access GlobalData’s latest thematic research report on Electric Vehicles (EV).

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