Axpo Deutschland & Siltronics announce solar PPA in Germany; European Energy gets clearance for 250 MW solar in Italy; Repsol & Iberdrola JV commissions 76.8 MW PV in Chile; Statkraft constructing 34 MW solar plant in Ireland for Microsoft.
Solar power for wafer production: Axpo Deutschland has announced signing a solar power purchase agreement (PPA) with Germany based semiconductor silicon wafer manufacturer Siltronic AG. Under the pact, Axpo will supply 60 GWh solar power annually to Siltronic’s 2 production facilities in Burghausen in Bavaria and Freiberg in Saxony. Delivery will start from 2024. Axpo says this energy will be supplied to Siltronics at a fixed price and fixed schedule to enable a predictable and reliable power supply for the latter.
250 MW solar plant in Italy: European Energy has secured official clearance from local authorities in Sicily, Italy to build a 250 MW solar project in the Municipality of Vizzini in Catania. According to local media reports, it will build the project through its local subsidiary Sun Project. It will be designed to generate clean electricity for some 130,000 homes.
76.8 MW solar online in Chile: A joint venture (JV) of Repsol and Ibereólica Renovables Group, Repsol Ibereólica Renovables Chile has commissioned 76.8 MW as phase I of 596 MW Elena Solar Plant in Chile’s Maria Elena town in Antofagasta region. Phase I comprises 142,275 bifacial solar modules. The JV currently has close to 1.8 GW of assets in operation, construction or advanced phases of development that are expected to come online before 2026.The joint portfolio has potential to exceed 2.6 GW in 2030.
34 MW Irish solar for Microsoft: Statkraft of Norway has started constructing a 34 MW solar power plant in Ireland’s Co. Meath as part of its 366 MW clean energy power supply agreement from wind and solar power plants with Microsoft. The 34 MW Harlockstown Solar Project could power around 9,000 homes on completion. Statkraft said with this CPPA Microsoft is helping add additional clean energy capacity to the grid. It added that this CPPA helps the country get closer to its target to have 15% of electricity demand to be delivered by renewable energy CPPAs by 2030.
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