Laman Utama » Penyumberan Produk » Tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui » Loji Tenaga Suria Terbesar di Eropah Dengan Kapasiti Terpasang 1.35 GW di Turki Dirasmikan

Loji Tenaga Suria Terbesar di Eropah Dengan Kapasiti Terpasang 1.35 GW di Turki Dirasmikan

  • Turkey’s largest single sited solar project with 1.35 GW capacity has been officially inaugurated
  • It uses solar modules produced within the country by Kalyon Group’s PV manufacturing facility in Turkey
  • It is equipped with around 3.5 billion solar panels and designed to produce close to 3 billion kWh annually

Europe gets its largest solar power plant with 1.35 GW capacity in Turkey’s Karapinar region after Kalyon Enerji’s Karapinar Solar Plant was officially inaugurated recently in a ceremony attended by the country’s President Tayyip Erdoğan.

With 1,347.734 MW DC/1,000 MW AC capacity, the project is the country’s largest single sited PV facility. It uses solar modules produced within Turkey by Kalyon PV in a 500 MW integrated monocrystalline ingot-wafer-cells-module fab.

It uses around 3.5 million solar panels that are designed to produce close to 3 billion kWh electricity annually. Turkey’s Energy and Natural Resources Minister Fatih Donmez said this is enough to meet the electricity needs of 2 million people.

Kalyon says the project having come up in a desert region is ‘poised to single-handedly increase the share of solar power among total renewables by 20%’. It has come online for an investment of $1 billion out of which £217 million was lent by UK Export Finance.

It increases the country’s total installed solar energy capacity by 20%, claims Kalyon.

Sumber daripada Berita Taiyang

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