Laman Utama » Penyumberan Produk » Tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui » Google Berganding bahu Dengan Sistem Sol untuk Strategi Perolehan & Pelaburan Tenaga Boleh Diperbaharui 'Unik' untuk PV DC 225 MW & Storan 18 MW di AS

Google Berganding bahu Dengan Sistem Sol untuk Strategi Perolehan & Pelaburan Tenaga Boleh Diperbaharui 'Unik' untuk PV DC 225 MW & Storan 18 MW di AS

  • Sol Systems and Google have entered a new partnership to support solar and storage capacity development in the US
  • Their support will enable Pine Gate Renewables to bring online 225 MW DC new solar and 18 MW battery storage capacity
  • Partnership will also invest into critical investments into regional community organizations that serve under-resourced and minority communities
  • These organizations will get capital to carry out critical home pre-weatherization and safety upgrades for LMI households

US based solar finance and development firm Sol Systems has announced a new ‘unique’ renewable energy procurement and investment strategy with Google to bring online Pine Gate Renewables’ 225 MW DC new solar energy projects and 18 MW battery storage solutions in the country.

These assets are located in a region with relatively low renewable energy penetration in North and South Carolina to support local communities. These will also support Google and its 24×7 carbon-free energy goal, added Sol Systems.

“By 2030, we’re aiming for every Google data center to operate on clean energy every hour of every day. As we work toward this goal, we are committed to ensuring that the communities where we operate are actively benefiting from the clean energy transition,” said Energy Lead at Google, Christopher Scott.

Both the partners also plan to invest capital to seed critical investments into regional community organizations that serve under-resourced and minority communities. Target is to reduce energy burden by enabling critical home pre-weatherization and safety upgrades to low- and moderate-income (LMI) households.

Initial funding will be awarded to Roanoke Electric Cooperative (NC), Santee Electric Cooperative (SC), Aiken Electric Cooperative (SC), and the Sustainability Institute of South Carolina, stated the partners.

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