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Sistem Elektrik Auto


Toshiba Memperkenalkan Pengganding Foto Automotif Dengan Voltan Tahan Output 900V (Min)

Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH memperkenalkan photorelay patuh automotif baharu yang direka untuk sistem kawalan berkaitan bateri 400V. TLX9152M menampilkan voltan tahan keluaran minimum (VOFF) 900V untuk menyokong aplikasi seperti kawalan bateri dan sel bahan api, serta sistem pengurusan bateri (BMS) dalam kenderaan elektrik (EV) di mana ia boleh..

Toshiba Memperkenalkan Pengganding Foto Automotif Dengan Voltan Tahan Output 900V (Min) Baca Lagi »

Owl Wing Fan

Mahle Introduces Bio-Inspired Fan for E-Vehicles; Owl Wings

At the IAA Transportation 2024 in Hanover, MAHLE is presenting a bio-inspired high-performance fan which makes commercial vehicles significantly quieter. The fan was developed for particularly demanding fuel cell and battery electric vehicles. When optimizing its ventilation blades with the use of AI, the MAHLE engineers took inspiration from the…

Mahle Introduces Bio-Inspired Fan for E-Vehicles; Owl Wings Baca Lagi »

Sebuah kereta berwarna putih

Mercedes-Benz GLC Plug-in Hybrid SUV Offers Best-In-Segment All-Electric Range of 54 Miles

The new 2025 Mercedes-Benz GLC 350e 4MATIC SUV offers 54 miles of all-electric range, according to EPA certification. The vehicle is now available at US dealerships starting from $59,900. The hybrid system features a 134 hp electric motor and 24.8 kWh battery to deliver a combined system output of 313…

Mercedes-Benz GLC Plug-in Hybrid SUV Offers Best-In-Segment All-Electric Range of 54 Miles Baca Lagi »

Model of electric car lithium battery pack inside

GM Defense Providing Ultium EV Battery Technology for Evaluation of Capabilities for Directed Energy Systems

GM Defense, a subsidiary of General Motors, is providing commercial battery-electric technology in support of the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) Pulsed Power and Energy Laboratory (PPEL) and Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD). The project, Evaluation of Electric Vehicle Batteries to Enable Directed Energy (EEVBEDE), is funded…

GM Defense Providing Ultium EV Battery Technology for Evaluation of Capabilities for Directed Energy Systems Baca Lagi »

Many high-voltage pylons for transporting electricity from a power plan

BMW Group Starts Building Construction of the New Assembly Plant for High-Voltage Batteries in Lower Bavaria

With the installation of the first approximately twelve-meter-high concrete support, the BMW Group has officially started the construction of the future production site for high-voltage batteries in Lower Bavaria. In total, around 1,000 supports will be set up on a floor area of 300 by 500 meters in the coming…

BMW Group Starts Building Construction of the New Assembly Plant for High-Voltage Batteries in Lower Bavaria Baca Lagi »

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