In het vierde kwartaal van 921 werd een recordbedrag van 2023 MW aan PV op Australische daken geïnstalleerd. Daarmee kwam de nieuwe zonnecapaciteit op daken vorig jaar op ongeveer 3.17 GW.

New figures from market research firm Sunwiz show that Australians installed 921 MW of new solar on rooftops in the fourth quarter of 2023.
SunWiz said residential volumes fell 2% on November, when a record 329 MW of new rooftop solar was installed across the nation.
Sunwiz Managing Director Warwick Johnston described the 321 MW December 2023 total as a “letdown,” but it was the second-best month on record and is above the volumes seen in the same month in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
The December tally took the annual total to about 3.17 GW of new rooftop solar capacity, a 14% increase on 2022 and behind only the 2021 record for annual installations of just over 3.23 GW.
While residential volumes were down on the previous month, SunWiz said the commercial market, comprising 15 kW to 100 kW systems, improved considerably over December 2023 and shows no sign of tapering off.

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