Home » Producten Sourcing » Hernieuwbare energie » Het bijgewerkte NECP van het Ministerie van Energie voorziet in een uitbreiding van 7 GW/jaar aan zonne-PV-capaciteit om de doelstellingen te halen

Het bijgewerkte NECP van het Ministerie van Energie voorziet in een uitbreiding van 7 GW/jaar aan zonne-PV-capaciteit om de doelstellingen te halen

  • France’s draft NECP determines up to 60 GW cumulative solar PV target by 2030
  • It will increase to up to 100 GW by 2035, as against the previous announcement for 100 GW by 2050
  • Nuclear power will still remain an integral part of the plan with newer reactors planned

The French government has revised its solar PV installation target under its draft National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) to aim for up to 75 GW to 100 GW by 2035, while achieving 54 GW to 60 GW by 2030. It would entail grid connecting 7 GW of PV capacity every year. The draft is now open for public consultation.

This is a significant deviation from the previously announced 100 GW+ PV target for 2050 as the country seeks to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 (zien France Announces 100 GW Solar Target).

The country has so far been aiming to grow its PV capacity to 35.1 GW to 44 GW by 2028-end under the multi-year energy program. At the end of June 2023, France had installed 18.03 GW solar PV capacity cumulatively (see France Installs Close To 1.4 GW Solar In H1/2023).

According to the draft NECP by the French Ministry of Energy Transition, the 2030 target for onshore wind is 33 GW to 35 GW, offshore wind 4 GW, and hydroelectricity 26 GW. The government has also introduced a hydrogen target for 6.5 GW by 2030 and 10 GW by 2035.

The ministry says in 2035 France will need to generate at least 177 TWh of additional renewable electricity compared to 2022 to meet growing demand and ensure energy security. This will be achieved by proactive deployment of PV, wind and hydropower to reach a combined 120 GW in 2030 and between 160 GW to 190 GW in 2035.

Nuclear power, however, remains important for the country in the scheme of things as operational life of existing reactors is aimed to extend beyond 50 years. It will also commission 6 new reactors between 2035 and 2042.

It plans to use all available land to deploy PV technology including degraded and abandoned land, alongside railways or rivers, large rooftops and carparks. Innovative concepts as floating solar and agrivoltaics also find mention in the draft.

The detailed draft NECP of France is available on the Energy Ministry’s website in French language. Comments to the draft will be admitted till December 15, 2023.

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