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Akumulatory do magazynowania energii w terenie otwartym

Bateria 320MW/640MWH jako uzupełnienie projektu magazynowania sprężonego powietrza w Holandii

Rozwój baterii powinien pozwolić na monetyzację nadwyżek mocy sieciowej i uzupełnić projekt magazynowania energii w postaci sprężonego powietrza o mocy 320 MW, opracowany przez Corre Energy, specjalistę w dziedzinie długoterminowego magazynowania energii z siedzibą w Groningen.

Energia Corre

Dutch renewables developers Corre Energy and SemperPower have come together to deliver a massive battery storage facility, which will be collocated with Corre’s compressed air energy storage (CAES) project in Zuidwending, in the province of Groningen, the Netherlands.

The 50/50 joint venture will initially invest €7 million ($7.6 million) to deliver to deliver the 320 MW two-hour battery project, totaling 640 MWh.

The battery project should deliver “a near-term, additional revenue stream to the company,” while complementing its CAES plans, Corre said in a release last Friday.

Namely, the big battery will share the same grid infrastructure as Corre Energy’s planned ZW1 CAES project. The developer aims to use salt caverns at the site to build a 320 MW CAES facility with a maximum storage discharge duration of approximately 3.5 days and a target commencement date around the end of 2026. The project will be constructed as hydrogen fuel enabled from commencement.

Dutch energy supplier Eneco inked a 15-year offtake agreement for the ZW1 project in January 2023 and will optimize the entire output of the storage site on behalf of Corre Energy.

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