Iberdrola Announces 1.6 GW Solar Panel Factory in Extremadura; Applies for European Union Funding
Iberdrola says it plans to establish a solar panel manufacturing fab in Extremadura and has applied for grant under 3rd Innovation Fund call.
Zdobywanie wiedzy i trendów rynkowych w branży energii odnawialnej.
Iberdrola says it plans to establish a solar panel manufacturing fab in Extremadura and has applied for grant under 3rd Innovation Fund call.
Akumulatory litowo-kwasowe i ołowiowe występują w różnych jakościach i bardzo różnych cenach. Dowiedz się, który jest najlepszy dla Twoich systemów energii słonecznej.
DSD Renewables has energized a 1.85 MW ground mounted solar PV plant in Virginia for the NLCS managed retirement community The Village at Orchard Ridge.
Greece launched a new Photovoltaics on the Roof program with €200 million budget. It will be awarded to PV & storage systems for households and farmers.
Canada has announced various measures to support the clean energy industry under its Budget 2023, as a response to the IRA of the US.
EBRD says it is helping Albania launch a solar auction for 300 MW solar capacity. Tender for bidder-selected sites is to be launched by June 2023.
A study commissioned by Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft, carried out by Deloitte, explores EU’s industrial policy response to the IRA.
EGP has started commercial operations for a 17 MW solar power plant in Italy, calling it the country’s 1st PV project to be built through crowdfunding.
Low Carbon has proposed a 600 MW solar and storage project in the North Kesteven district in the UK. Read on for more from Ethical Power, Niam, Bisol.
Low Carbon Proposes 600 MW Solar Park in UK & More From Ethical Power, Niam, Bisol Czytaj więcej »
German parliamentary group has issued a list of measures including simplifying bureaucratic regulations to the government to speed up solar installations.
ON i Energy Brainpool twierdzą, że wszystkie domy jednorodzinne, bliźniaki i szeregówki wybudowane w ciągu najbliższych 15 lat będą generować 77 TWh zielonej energii, jeśli zostaną wyposażone w panele słoneczne.
The European Parliament and the Council have reached an agreement to increase EU’s binding renewable energy target for 2030 to a minimum of 42.5%.
Ireland has decided to abolish Value Added Tax on new solar panels installed by households to save them €1,000, says the country’s Minister of Environment.
Germany’s March 1, 2023 ground mounted solar PV auction round with 1.95 GW capacity offered attracted 2.869 GW in response.
BMWK is funding a study called Libertas to explore the feasibility of setting up entire PV ecosystem in Germany and Europe.